PON Doctorate research and innovation - XXXIII



 The Doctoral Degree Programme in Letters, Languages and Arts has been awarded two PON grants, “Action 1. Innovative industrial doctorates”, for three-year research projects approved by the Research Directorate of the Italian Ministry of Education (MIUR), and co-funded by the European Social Fund (ESF).


PROJECT 1: “Letter collections of the Italian Renaissance: politics, literature and art. New digital archival research”


The theme addressed is consonant with the National Research and Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialization. It involves acquiring a broad and deep knowledge of cultural heritage with a view to promoting it through innovative digital archiving and publishing.   

The project is undertaken in partnership with the University of Strasburg – Research Group EA 4376 “Culture et Histoire dans l’Espace roman” – and the publishing house PENSA Multimedia s.r.l. – Lecce.

Aims and objectives:

The project aims to disseminate knowledge of the most prominent cultural, historical and political figures that forged diplomatic, literary and artistic relationships between Italy and other European countries in the modern age.

Expected outcomes:

The expected results consist in developing and applying innovative research methods within the field of Digital Humanities so as to promote the dissemination of rare and unpublished epistolary texts.

Total grant: € 85,743.06

CUP: H92H18000220006



PROJECT 2: “Modern Italian theatre in the European culture: reception, performing arts and new technologies”


The theme addressed is consonant with the National Research and Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialization.

It focuses on cultural heritage linked to the creative industries with implications for management and cultural tourism.

The project is undertaken in partnership with the University of Neuchâtel (Svizzera) and Teatro KISMET- ABELIANO – Bari.

Aims and objectives

The project aims to develop the ability to critically analyse the multidisciplinary and complex nature of the theatrical phenomenon, which entails actor’s gestures, production and scenic representation.

Expected outcomes

The expected results consist in digitalizing a number of rare or unpublished modern Italian and European theatre texts with a view to promoting and disseminating them through innovative technological applications that make it possible to view film footage and cutting-edge playwriting as well as capture special sound effects.

Total grant: € 85,743.06

CUP: H92H18000230006




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pubblicato il 24/07/2018 ultima modifica 27/11/2023