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Maria Lisa Clodoveo is Assistant Professor with tenure at the University of Bari, Italy. She is the Director of the Short Master in "Health claims of Extra Virgin olive Oil as marketing tool to improve the company's competitiveness", and deputy Director of the Postgraduate Course in "Olive Growing Management". She is a member of the "Accademia dei Georgofili" and of "Accademia Nazionale dell'Olivo e dell'Olio". She is a member of the scientific committee of the international journal "Grasas y Aceites". She is the founder of the "Research Centre for Olive Growing and Olive Oil Industry" at University of Bari. She is the winner of the award "Antico Fattore" (2016) assigned by "Accademia dei Georgofili" for the innovative approach on virgin olive oil technologies, and the award for "Innovation and applicability" at the International Congress GENP 2016 for the results obtained in the application of ultrasound technology to the virgin olive oil process. She is the inventor of two patents and the author of more than 100 articles and book chapters in the olive oil sector.

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pubblicato il 09/06/2018 ultima modifica 09/06/2018