Attività di Ricerca / Projects

in Fotonica e Tecnologie Laser


MIRABILIS - "MId infRAred laBel-free Interferometric detectorLess Imaging in photonic circuitS" is a research project of national interest (PRIN) in collaboration with Politecnico di Bari and Politecnico di Torino, funded by the Ministry of University and Research. The aim of the project is the development of a scanless and detectorless coherent chemical imaging system in the mid-infrared designed in silicon-nitride chips.

NQSTI - "National Quantum Science and Technology Insititute" is a national extended-partnership funded under the PNRR program with the aim of coordinate, sustain and develop research and public awareness about the opportunities and challenges of quantum technologies.

PhoBioS - "Understanding interaction light - biological surfaces: possibility for new electronic materials and devices" is a European COST Action  network involving 29 countries funded to study the unusual optical properties of some nano-structured bio surfaces (vegetables and animals) with the aim of mimicking them at genetic and synthetic level. 


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pubblicato il 06/06/2013 ultima modifica 30/06/2023