
Current academic position:

Full Professor of Infectious Diseases of Domestic Animals at the Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Bari

Professional qualifications:

  • De-facto Diplomate of the European College of Veterinary Microbiology (2021)
  • Doctorate fellowship in “Infectious diseases of carnivores” (2003).

Academic assignments:

Coordinator of graduate course "Veterinary Medicine", University of Bari, Italy

President of National Scientific Evaluation committee for Italian Ministry of University (2021-2023)

Member of the Board of Directors - Istituto Zooprofilattico di Puglia e Basilicata (2019-current)

Member of the Board of Directors - Italian Society for Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory (SIDiLV), 2019-current

Member of the Scientific Board of the Italian Society for Veterinary Sciences (SISVeT), 2017-2018

Coordinator of graduate course "Hygiene and Safety for Food of Animal Origin", University of Bari (from 2009 to 2018).-

Member of the Teachers Committee of the Research Doctorate in “Patologia e Sanità Animale” and of the Doctorate School “Sanità Animale e Zoonosi”.

Member of the panel of ANVUR (Agenzia Nazionale di Valutazione del Sistema Universitario e della Ricerca) experts (GEV 07) for the evaluation of research quality (VQR).

Teaching activities:

"Applied Microbiology" of degree course “Hygiene and Safety for Food of Animal Origin", University of Bari

"Diagnostics and prophylaxis of equine infectious diseases" of the Veterinary Medicine course degree

"Equine infectious diseases" of the Post-graduate School of Infectious Diseases of Animals.

"Molecolar biology 1" -  PhD course “Animal Health and Zoonoses” 


pubblicato il 31/10/2013 ultima modifica 13/06/2023

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