Attività di Ricerca


Cross-cultural dimensions of morality.

Interpersonal and social exchanges: the concept of violence. Conformism and resentment as epistemic phenomena. Eastern and Western conceptions of the subject and the cross-cultural construction of a relational self. Formal knowledge and its historicity: Lewis, Dewey, Morris, Nishida, and Watsuji.

The Golden Rule as a formal law of morality. Related concepts: ren, ubuntu, love, and wisdom. The concept of generosity, or charity. Philosophy as education of feelings: paideia, amor, caritas, and wisdom in Western tradition, ren (仁) in Confucianism.

Forms of persuasion, propaganda, and authority.

Persuasion, rhetoric, and authority. The criteria of truth in rational discourse and in mass communication. Propaganda as paralogical communication. The emergence of social truth and its relation to rational truth: dogmatism, authoritarianism, and moralism. The emotional nature of visual language and of public communication. Mass, mass culture, and mass communication: political, cultural, ads. A theory of mass: classic authors from Le Bon to Canetti. 

Elements of a theory of politics.

Nations, empires, and civilization states. Citizenship in an age of empires: philosophical approaches to the current crisis of democracy. The universality of human dignity and its epistemic grounds. Migrations as an ideological indicator: cultural and symbolic implications. Reframing social conflicts in an age of cultural diversity.

Studies in the history of Italian culture.

The critical and transcendental tradition in philosophy: Giulio Preti, Antonio Banfi, and Federigo Enriques. The influence of critical rationalism on the Italian culture of the second half of the 20th century: arts, literature, musicology, cinema, architecture, and political thought. A generational crossroads: Corrente di vita giovanile (1938-1940). Antonio Banfi and the origins of neo-realism in Italian cinema. Gino Germani’s critique of conformism.

pubblicato il 09/11/2023 ultima modifica 09/06/2024

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