Dottorati di Ricerca

Dottorato di Ricerca in Scienze del Farmaco -Doctorate in Pharmaceutical Sciences

Il corso di Dottorato in Scienze del Farmaco ha come principale obiettivo l’alta formazione di ricercatori nello sviluppo e progettazione di farmaci con l’impiego di metodologie innovative che vanno dalla progettazione alla sintesi “green” di nuovi ligandi, alla valutazione farmacologica, con particolare riferimento allo studio della farmacologia di precisione. I dottorandi saranno anche formati sulla capacità di sviluppare diagnostici smart kits per l’individuazione di biomarkers precoci coinvolti in alcune patologie quali quelle del neurosviluppo, della neurodegenerazione e delle malattie rare. L’alto numero di pubblicazioni prestigiose nel settore da parte dei docenti che compongono il Collegio e le strutture innovative di ricerca disponibili, garantiranno sia una elevata formazione che una attività di ricerca di eccellenza. ____________________________________________________________________________________ The PhD course in Pharmaceutical Sciences aims to train qualified researchers in drug development through innovative methodologies ranging from the design to the biocompatible synthesis and to the advanced pharmacological evaluation with particular focus on the study of precision pharmacology. The PhD course allows to handle excellence and innovation in the design of both new drugs and smart kits for monitoring biomarkers involved in neurodevelopmental pathologies, neurodegeneration and rare diseases. Considering the several and prestigious papers of Professors and Researchers belonging to the Doctorate Board, the PhD students will be addressed in innovative methodologies, and training activities in all specific area of interest of the Doctorate in Pharmaceutical Sciences.

Doctorate in Pharmaceutical Sciences

The PhD course in Pharmaceutical Sciences aims to train qualified researchers in drug development through innovative methodologies ranging from the design to the biocompatible synthesis and to the advanced pharmacological evaluation with particular focus on the study of precision pharmacology. The PhD course allows to handle excellence and innovation in the design of both new drugs and smart kits for monitoring biomarkers involved in neurodevelopmental pathologies, neurodegeneration and rare diseases. Considering the several and prestigious papers of Professors and Researchers belonging to the Doctorate Board, the PhD students will be addressed in innovative methodologies, and training activities in all specific area of interest of the Doctorate in Pharmaceutical Sciences

Dottorato di Ricerca in “Tecnologie Sostenibili per lo Sviluppo Industriale di Medicinali e Diagnostici – TeSSMeD”

• Il Dottorato in “Tecnologie sostenibili per lo sviluppo industriale di medicinali e diagnostici” (TeSSMeD) ha come obiettivo quello di formare ricercatori qualificati nello sviluppo di farmaci e agenti diagnostici mediante l'impiego di strategie e tecnologie innovative applicate al design, sintesi chimica di principi attivi e formulazioni farmaceutiche appropriate, allo screening farmacologico preclinico e alla valutazione del loro profilo ADME, con particolare attitudine al trasferimento di nuove conoscenze e tecnologie dalla ricerca di laboratorio alle industrie farmaceutiche o a Enti di ricerca preposti alla tutela della salute pubblica e alla prevenzione, grazie anche al pieno coinvolgimento delle imprese convenzionate. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- • PhD course in “SUSTAINABLE TECHNOLOGIES FOR THE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT OF MEDICINES AND DIAGNOSTICS - TeSSMeD" The PhD course in "Sustainable Technologies for the Industrial Development of Medicines and Diagnostics" (TeSSMeD) aims to train qualified researchers in the development of drugs and diagnostic agents through the use of innovative strategies and technologies applied to design, chemical synthesis of active ingredients and appropriate pharmaceutical formulations, preclinical drug screening and evaluation of their ADME profile, with particular aptitude for technology transfer, thanks to the full involvement of the associated companies. The PhD students will reach the aptitude for translational research suitable for the transfer of new knowledge and technologies from laboratory research to pharmaceutical industries or Research Institutions responsible for Public Health Protection and Prevention.


The PhD course in "Sustainable Technologies for the Industrial Development of Medicines and Diagnostics" (TeSSMeD) aims to train qualified researchers in the development of drugs and diagnostic agents through the use of innovative strategies and technologies applied to design, chemical synthesis of active ingredients and appropriate pharmaceutical formulations, preclinical drug screening and evaluation of their ADME profile, with particular aptitude for technology transfer, thanks to the full involvement of the associated companies. The PhD students will reach the aptitude for translational research suitable for the transfer of new knowledge and technologies from laboratory research to pharmaceutical industries or Research Institutions responsible for Public Health Protection and Prevention.
pubblicato il 02/10/2023 ultima modifica 02/10/2023

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