
Born in San Marzano of S.Giuseppe (district of Taranto) the 11/7/1957. Degree in Veterinary Medicine  appointed as Associate Professor in February 2002 at the Faculty Veterinary Medicine University of Bari - Director of the Course of perfecting: The marine turtles ecology and sanitary management A.A. 2004-2005 -Director of the Course of High Formation in: Veterinary disaster medicine for A.A. 2002-2003; 2003-2004; 2004-2005; 2006-07 - The research concern on two large lines:
-pathologies of the wild animals us particularly marine turtles and dolphins
- The angiogenesis in animals tumors considered spontaneous models of priceless value scientific.
Author of other 100 scientific papers published in print journals with impact factor or reviewed.

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pubblicato il 31/10/2013 ultima modifica 06/07/2016