
Prof. Alessandra Tateo was born in Bari in 1964. In 2005 she was employed as associated professor in the scientific field AGR 19 "Animal Production Science" in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University  of Bari. From 1991 to 2001 she was employed in the Department of Animal Production with the qualification of technician.  From 2001 she was confirmed as university researcher in the Faculty  of Agriculture of University of Bari in the scientific field AGR/18 (Animal Nutrition and Feeding). She cooperated in several research programs about quality of food (milk, meat), and particularly she studied lamb, bovine and pork meats. She was involved in researches on the effects of the food factor and of the breeding techniques on the  quality of lamb meat, pork, kids and wild boars meat. She studied in deep the effect of lipids and protein feeding in animals and the effect on meat quality. The studies on the equine species concerned the morphologic development during growth in IHDH foals, the characteristics of the equine milk and of the quality of carcasses. Her most recent works deals with animal comfort with particular attention to bovine, ovine and sportive horses. She is President of the degree course ” Breeding and welfare science of dogs and cats”. She is member of the Italian Society of Animal Production. She is peer reviewer for Meat Science journal. She is author or co-author of several monographs and 80 papers in scientific international journals, and proceedings of international and national congresses. 

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pubblicato il 31/10/2013 ultima modifica 13/12/2013