English CV

He graduated, in Veterinary Medicine, at the University of Bari, Italy in 2002. In 2005 he discussed his PhD thesis about biotechnology applied to organ transplantation and integrated cellular therapies in oncology. From 2005 to 2009 he completed a residency program in veterinary anesthesia at the University of Pennsylvania, PA, USA. Since 2005 he was first assistant and then associate (2015) professor of Veterinary Surgery at the Department of Emergency and Organ Transplantation of the University of Bari, Italy. He is full time dedicated to teaching and clinical and experimental research. His main fields of research are: experimental animal models of ALI/ARDS, pulmonary atelectasis and its treatment during anesthesia in small and large animals, non invasive ventilation in small animal patients, pain and its treatment in small and large animals, treatment of osteoarthritis and loco-regional analgesia. He has more than 50 original articles published on peer reviewed international veterinary and human medicine journals, 12 book chapters in national (Italian) and international textbooks and authored a textbook about locoregional anesthetic techniques in small animals (Italian). He is the coordinator of the PhD program in “Tissue and Organ transplantations and cellular therapies” of the University of Bari and serves as academic editor of PlosOne journal.

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pubblicato il 23/05/2018 ultima modifica 23/05/2018