
L’evoluzione delle dottrine aziendali nelle trasformazioni contemporanee
Università degli studi di Bologna Alma Mater, 17 Gennaio 2024
F. Pizzutilo, Responsabilità sociale di impresa e didattica: una visione integrata

Day of Hungarian Science - Branding in the academic and business world, Future challenges
Budapest, Budapest Business University, 9th November 2023
F. Pizzutilo, Z. Győri, J., Sági, K., Szegedi, Social capital and circularity as a means of branding in the case of financial institutions

10th European Risk Conference
Bari, Università degli studi di Bari Aldo Moro, 28th - 29th September 2023
F. Pizzutilo, Z. Győri, J., Sági, K., Szegedi, Social capital, risk, and market performance: evidence from the EU financial industry

Gli obiettivi dell’agenda ONU 2030 in Puglia: indicatori di monitoraggio. Il ruolo della mobilità sostenibile
Bari, Fiera del levante, 12 settembre 2023
Relazione ad invito, F. Pizzutilo “Finanza e sostenibilità: nuovi paradigmi di misurazione e valutazione“

Sustainable Corporate Finance: il nuovo paradigma dei mercati finanziari e la sostenibilità
Fasano (BR), 30 maggio 2023 – Banca Intesa San Poalo, ESGLab
Invited guest lecture, F. Pizzutilo “Sustainable Corporate Finance”

Budapest Business School VI International Sustainability Student Conference
Virtual, 28 aprile 2023
Invited guest lecture at the plenary opening session, F. Pizzutilo “Raising the consciousness of future generations: the pivotal role of Education for sustainable development and (sustainable) Higher education institutions”

COP27 (conference of parties)
Side event “Educate to a sustainable future”
Sharm el Sheik, 16th Novembre 2022, participation from remote
F. Pizzutilo “
The challenge of measuring sustainability integration in HEIs: EffSET”

Convegno “Investire nella Sostenibilità: formazione, Infrastrutture e Servizi”, Multiplier event del Progetto EFFORT (EFFectiveness Of Responsibility Teaching)
Bari, 21 October 2022
F. Pizzutilo “EffSET: Valutare l’efficacia degli insegnamenti in tema di sostenibilità”

European Researchers Night 2022
Bari, 30 September 2022
F. Pizzutilo “Efficacia della didattica universitaria in tema di sostenibilità e responsabilità sociale: il progetto EFFORT”

XXIV Congresso Nazionale Associazione Italiana di Valutazione,
Pescara, 21 – 23 September 2022
F. Pizzutilo “La valutazione dell’efficacia degli insegnamenti universitari in tema di responsabilità sociale: strumenti e linee guida”

XXIV Congresso Nazionale Associazione Italiana di Valutazione,
Pescara, 21 – 23 September 2022
F. Pizzutilo, E. Venezia,
“Innovazioni per l’autovalutazione quali-quantitativa dei corsi di insegnamento in tema di responsabilità sociale e sostenibilità”

E. Venezia, F. Pizzutilo "Providing Higher Education Institutions of an instrument to assess the maturity integration of Sustainability into teaching: EffSET ", International Conference on Sustainable Development 10th ICSD, Roma-virtual, 7 – 8 September 2022, European Center of Sustainable Development

F. Pizzutilo, E. Venezia "Providing Higher Education Institutions of an instrument to assess the maturity integration of Sustainability into teaching: EffSET", CEDITER: Les Rencontres 2021, Bari, 16 – 18 dicembre 2021, Università degli studi di Bari “Aldo Moro”

F. Pizzutilo "Is ESGness the vaccine?", 10th FEBS 2021 - International Conference Financial Engineering and Banking Society, Lille, 30 settembre – 2 ottobre 2021, IAE Lille University, School of Management

E. Venezia, F. Pizzutilo “EffSET, autovalutazione della sostenibilità e della responsabilità sociale delle Università: prime applicazioni”, XXIII Congresso Nazionale Associazione Italiana di Valutazione, Online, 22 – 24 Settembre 2021

E. Venezia, F. Pizzutilo “A self-evaluation tool of sustainability concepts in higher education institutions courses”, HEAd ’21- 7th International Conference on Higher Education Advances, Online, 22 - 23 June 2021
Universitat Politecnica de Valencia

F. Pizzutilo, E. Venezia, “Assessing Social Responsibility Integration in Higher Education Institutions”, Assessing Corporate Social Performance, Online, 17 - 18 June 2021, University of Massachusetts – Ecole of Management of Normandie

F. Pizzutilo, E. Venezia, “Assessing Social Responsibility Integration in Higher Education Institutions”, 2nd Scuola Democratica International Conference, Online, 2-5 June 2021

F. Pizzutilo, E. Venezia, “CSR integration in higher education institutions: identification, description and categorization of maturity criteria”, 58th Academy of Economics and Finance Conference, Online, 11-13 February 2021, Academy of Economics and Finance (

 F. Pizzutilo, “Analysing Public Infrastructure Investment Using a Real Option Approach”, The decision-making process for infrastructural investment choices, Online Conference 12th January 2021, University of Bari Aldo Moro

A. Caragnano, M. Mariani, F. Pizzutilo, M. Zito, “Companies environmental commitment and weighted average cost of capital: evidence from Europe”, International Risk Management Conference 20202, Virtual, 9-10 October 2020,

A. Caragnano, M. Mariani, F. Pizzutilo, M. Zito, ““Do GHG emissions impact the cost of debt financing of European large companies?”, 3rd Social Impact Investments International Conference, Roma, 5-6 December 2019, Università La Sapienza

8th International Conference on Social Responsibility, Ethics and Sustainable Business, Braga, 24-25 October 2019
University of Minho, Centre for Research in Economics and Management
- Session chair 2.03
- Closing ceremony panelist

A. Caragnano, M. Mariani, F. Pizzutilo, M. Zito, “Yes, it pays to be green. Evidence from Europe”, 8th International Conference on Social Responsibility, Ethics and Sustainable Business, Braga, 24-25 October 2019
University of Minho, Centre for Research in Economics and Management,

A. Caragnano, M. Mariani, F. Pizzutilo, M. Zito, Dealing with Carbon Risk and the Cost of Debt: Evidence from the European Market, International Risk Management Conference 2019, Milan, 17-18 June 2019, Università Bocconi,

F. Pizzutilo, H. H. Lean: Do Socially Responsible Investments Add Value During a Financial Turmoil? A comparison across Regions, 9th FEBS 2019 - International Conference Financial and Banking Society , Prague, 30th May – 1st June 2019, University of Economics of Prague, Faculty of Finance and Accounting,

F. Pizzutilo, E. Venezia: Priority for investments in the transport sector: approaches to evaluation processes, 9th International Scientific Conference of Business Faculty: Economic Policy and EU integration
Durazzo, 3-4 May 2019 Faculty of Business, University “Aleksandër Moisiu” Durrës,

F. Pizzutilo, E. Venezia "Evaluation of the Economic Effect of Transport Infrastructures as an Element of Special Economic Zones", Workshop: Transport Infrastructures: Investments, Evaluation and Regional Economic Growth, Roma, 22-23 Marzo 2019, Università degli Studi Roma Tre,

S. Bustamante, J. Castillo-Apraiz, R. Kaminska, F. Pizzutilo, "CSR and Employer Attractiveness among Millennials: the Case of France, Italy and Spain”, L’Impresa Sostenibile alla Prova del Dialogo, Taranto, 11-14 December 2018, Università degli studi di Bari Aldo Moro,

H. H. Lean, F. Pizzutilo,”Do Socially Responsible Investments Add Value During Financial Crisis?" 2nd Social Impact Investment International Conference, Roma, 12-13 dicembre 2018
Università La Sapienza,

F. Pizzutilo, E. Venezia, “S.R.O.I.: a Cost-Inclusive Evaluation Method2018 International Conference on Traffic and Transport Engineering, Belgrado, 27-28 Settembre 2018, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering,

8th  International Scientific Conference of Business Faculty: Economic Policy and EU integration
Durazzo, 4-5 Maggio 2018, Faculty of Business, University “Aleksandër Moisiu”Durrës
F. Pizzutilo, E. Venezia, “Social return on investments: economic, financial and sustainable aspects”

10th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Behavioral Finance and Economics
Los Angeles, 18-20 Ottobre 2017, Academy of Behavioral Finance and Economics
F. Pizzutilo, M. Mariani, " Weather effect and emerging stock markets: evidence from a panel of developing countries”,

European Transport Conference 2017
Barcelona, 4-6 October 2017, Association for European Transport
E. Venezia, F. Pizzutilo, “Value of Time in the economic evaluation of transport infrastructures: an application of a cluster analysis”,

XIX Conference of the Italian Association of Transport Economics and Logistics
Bari, 5-6 October 2017, Società Italiana degli Economisti dei Trasporti e della Logistica, Università degli studi di Bari “Aldo Moro”
F. Pizzutilo, E. Venezia, “Transport infrastructures and industries: evidence from international financial market”,

6th International Conference on Social Responsibility, Ethics and Sustainable Business
Berlin, HTW University, 28-29 September 2017, HTW University School of Computing Communications and Business
F. Pizzutilo, H. H. Lean “Performances and Risk of Socially Responsible Investments across Regions during Crisis”,

Global Employee Preference Research Project Symposium
Berlin, 27 September 2017, Berlin School of Economics and Law
F. Pizzutilo, “The case of Italy”

Corporate Responsibility Research Conference 2017
Seville, 13-15 September 2017, 
Kedge Business school, Universidad de Sevilla, University of Leeds
Bustamante, S., Castillo-Apraiz, J., Alniaçik, Ü., Pizzutilo, F., Reichel, J. “Socio-economic contingency of CSR preferences of young job-seekers. A cross-national comparison”,

EUROCONFERENCE 2017, International Conference on Emerging and Developping Countries
Chania, 28-30 June 2017, Society for the study of Emerging markets, University of Thessaly
F. Pizzutilo, M. Mariani, "Weather Effect and Emerging Stock Markets: Evidence from a Panel of Developing Countries"

2016 International Conference on Traffic and Transport Engineering
Belgrad, 24-25 November 2016, City Net Scientific Research Center Ltd. Belgrade and University of Belgrade, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, 
F. Pizzutilo, E. Venezia, “Real Option Analysis Applied to transport Investment Projects”

5th International Conference on Social Responsibility Ethics and Sustainable Business
Milan, Bocconi University, 6 - 7 October 2016
F. Pizzutilo, "A measure for the diversification trade-off in socially responsible investments" 

Garanzie pubbliche a sostegno del credito e dello sviluppo delle PMI
Bari, 18 novembre 2013
Ordine dei Dottori comercialisti e degli Esperti contabili di Bari
F. Pizzutilo, “Le garanzie al credito: aspetti finanziari”

Academy of Business Research Spring 2013 Conference
New Orleans, 13-15 marzo 2013
Academy of Business Research 
F. Pizzutilo, F. Calò, “Does Equity Market Neutral Actually Enhance Portfolio Diversification?”

International Risk Management Conference 2011
Amsterdam, 14-15 june 2011
Vrje Universiteit of Amsterdam, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Salomon Center NYU, Università degli Studi di Trieste, Joint Research Center EU Commission, International Finance Corporation, The Risk Banking and Finance Society 
F. Pizzutilo, “The Long Term Behaviour of the Distribution of Stock Returns: an Analysis of the Italian Market Using the Pearson Kappa Criterion”

8th International Conference on Applied Financial Economics
Samos (Greece) 30-2 july 2011
University of the Aegean, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Research and Training Industry of the East Aegean
F. Pizzutilo, “What Do Stock Return Distributions Look Like? Evidence from the Italian Market”

2010 Global Finance Conference
Poznan, 28-30 june 2010
Global Finance Association, Poznan University of Economics
F. Pizzutilo, “ Country-Specific Risk Diversification Through International Equity Portfolios”

7th International Conference on Applied Financial Economics
Samos (Greece) 1-3 july 2010
University of the Aegean, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Research and Training Industry of the East Aegean
F. Pizzutilo, “Country-Specific Risk Diversification through International Equity Portfolios”

3rd International Conference on Accounting and Finance
Skiathos Island (Greece) 26-27 august 2010
University of Macedonia
F. Pizzutilo, “Is Eurozone Diversification still Valuable?”

Trattamento di fine rapporto e fondi pensione
Bari, 29 marzo 2007
Università degli studi di Bari
F. Pizzutilo “Rischio, rendimento ed informativa all’investitore in fondi pensione”

L’impatto di Basilea II sulle PMI. Riflessi strategici organizzativi e gestionali per le banche
San Severo, 11 marzo 2005
Università degli studi di Foggia, Bancapulia
F. Pizzutilo, “Le implicazioni di Basilea II per le banche minori: risultati di una analisi empirica. I riflessi sull’area crediti.”

Le implicazioni della riforma del diritto societario nelle banche
San Severo, 15 settembre 2005
Università degli studi di Foggia, Bancapulia
F. Pizzutilo, “I gruppi bancari cooperativi paritetici. Riflessioni alla luce della riforma del diritto societario”

Rischi, banche e nuovi requisiti patrimoniali: il nuovo accordo di Basilea
Bari, 17 giugno 2004
Università degli studi di Bari
F. Pizzutilo “Il rischio operativo. Il secondo ed il terzo pilastro del nuovo accordo di Basilea”

La cartolarizzazione dei crediti: problematiche attuali alla luce dei nuovi orientamenti
Foggia 30 maggio 2003
Università degli studi di Foggia
F. Pizzutilo, “Il Credit tranching, l’overcollateralisation e la misurazione del costo del finanziamento a mezzo securitisation”

XI incontro di Finanza
Milano, 30 giugno 2003
Università L. Bocconi
F. Pizzutilo, “Aspetti finanziari delle operazioni di securitisation”

Azioni sul documento

pubblicato il 02/09/2013 ultima modifica 20/02/2024