S. Bustamante, F. Pizzutilo, M. Martinovic, S. Herrero Olarte (2021) Corporate Social Responsibility and Employer Attractiveness – An International Perspective, Springer Nature, ISBN 978-3-030-68860-8
F. Pizzutilo (2013), Multinational Capital Budgeting, FrancoAngeli, Milano
F. Pizzutilo (2002), Aspetti finanziari delle operazioni di securitisation, A. Giuffrè Editore, Milano
Guest editor for Journal Special Issues
F. Pizzutilo, H. H. Lean, (2020), Socially Responsible Investments, Special Issue of the International Journal of Financial Studies,
F. Pizzutilo (2014), Multinational Capital Budgeting, Special issue of the Journal of Finance and Economics, 2(3),
National and International journals
Pizzutilo, F. (2024), Financial Markets, Efficiency, and Credit Intermediation, Journal of Finance and Investment Analysis, 13(4),
Lean, H. H., Pizzutilo, F., Gleason, K. (2023), Portfolio performance implications of investment in renewable energy equities: Green versus gray, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, pp. 1– 16.
F. Pizzutilo, (2023), Is ESG-ness the vaccine?, Applied Economics Letters, 30(4), pp. 484-487,
Venezia, E., Pizzutilo, F. (2022), EffSET: a Self-Evaluation Tool to Assess the Effectiveness of Education for Sustainable Development, European Journal of Sustainable Development (2022), 11, 4, 197-210 ISSN: 2239-5938 Doi: 10.14207/ejsd.2022.v11n4p197
F. Pizzutilo, E. Venezia, (2021), On the maturity of social responsibility and sustainability integration in higher education institutions: Descriptive criteria and conceptual framework, The International Journal of Management Education, 19,
F. Pizzutilo, M. Mariani, A. Caragnano, M. Zito, (2021), Does it pay to be environmentally responsible? Investigating the effect on the weighted average cost of capital, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, DOI: 10.1002/csr.2164
F. Pizzutilo, M. Mariani, A. Caragnano, M. Zito, (2020), Dealing with Carbon Risk and the Cost of Debt: Evidence from the European Market, International Journal of Financial Studies, 8, 61; doi:10.3390/ijfs8040061
H. H. Lean, F. Pizzutilo, (2020), Performances and Risk of Socially Responsible Investments across Regions during Crisis, International Journal of Finance and Economics, DOI: 10.1002/ijfe.1975
A. Caragnano, M. Mariani, F. Pizzutilo, M. Zito, (2020) Is It Worth Reducing GHG Emissions? Exploring the Effect on the Cost of Debt Financing, Journal of Environmental Management, 270,
E. Venezia, F. Pizzutilo, (2020), Evaluation Tools for Transport Infrastructures: Social Return On Investments, European Transport \ Trasporti Europei (2020) Issue 76, Paper n°7
E. Venezia, F. Pizzutilo, (2018), Regulation Impact Assessment: Evaluation Process of an Integrated Social System, L'industria, Rivista di economia e politica industriale, Vol. 4/18, pp. 697-710, doi: 10.1430/93129
F. Pizzutilo, M. Mariani, (2018), Is there a weather effect? Evidence from a panel of emerging countries’ stock markets, African Journal of Business Management, Vol. 21, No. (12), pp. 620-639,
F. Pizzutilo, E. Venezia, (2018) Are catastrophe bonds effective financial instruments in the transport and infrastructure industries? Evidence from international financial markets, Business and Economic Horizons, Vol.14, Issue2, pp.256-267. DOI:
F. Pizzutilo, (2017) Measuring the Under-Diversification of Socially Responsible Investments, Applied Economics Letters, 24(14), pp. 1005-1018,
F. Pizzutilo, V. Roncone, (2017), Red sky at night or in the morning, to the equity market neither a delight nor a warning. The weather effect re-examined using intraday stock data, European Journal of Finance, 23(14), pp. 1280-1310,
F. Pizzutilo (2015), Isolating the systematic and unsystematic components of a single stock’s (or portfolio’s) standard deviation: a comment, Applied Economics, 47(58), pp. 6277-6283,
F. Pizzutilo, F. Calò, (2014), FDI Location Choices under Uncertainty: A Binomial Options-Based Approach, Journal of Finance and Economics, 2(3), pp.70-74, DOI: 10.12691/jfe-2-3-2,
F. Pizzutilo, (2014), Rethinking Multinational Enterprises’ Capital Budgeting in the Globalized New Millennium, Journal of Finance and Economics, 2(3), pp.58-59, DOI: 10.12691/jfe-2-3-0,
F. Pizzutilo, (2013), A note on the Effectiveness of Pairs Trading for Individual Investors, International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 763-771.
F. Pizzutilo, (2013), The Distribution of the Returns of Japanese Stocks and Portfolios, Asian Economic and Financial Review, Vol. 3, No. 9, pp. 1249-1259.
F. Pizzutilo, F. Calò, (2013), Market Neutral Diversification for Individual European Investors: A Risk - Return Improving Strategy under the Sand and an Appealing Niche for the ETF Industry, International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, 104, 179 - 186.
F. Pizzutilo (2012), The behaviour of the distributions of stock returns: an analysis of the European market using the Pearson system of continuous probability distributions, Applied Financial Economics, 22 (20).
F. Pizzutilo (2012), Eurozone Equity Market Diversification: Is It Still Worth?, Chinese Business Review, 11 (1).
F. Pizzutilo (2012), Use of the Pearson System of Frequency Curves for the Analysis of Stock Return Distributions: Evidence and Implications for the Italian Market, Economics Bulletin, 32 (1).
F. Pizzutilo (2010), “Country-Specific Risk Diversification through International Equity Portfolios”, International Journal of Financial Economics and Econometrics, 2(1)
F. Pizzutilo (2010), “Credito e Micro-territorialità”, Dirigenza Bancaria, 141/142
F. Pizzutilo (2009), “Banche e finanziamento delle organizzazioni non profit”, Dirigenza Bancaria, 135
F. Pizzutilo (2008), “Rischio, Rendimento ed Informativa all’investitore in Fondi Pensione”, Dirigenza Bancaria, 133
A. Dell’Atti, F. Pizzutilo (2004), “Il nuovo accordo di Basilea. Impatti ed opportunità per le banche e le imprese”, Banche e Banchieri, 6/2004
F. Pizzutilo (2004), “L’Investment Banking negli Stati Uniti d’America: aspetti operativi e gestionali”, in Banche e Banchieri, 1/2004
Chapters of books
F. Pizzutilo (2021), Italy, in S. Bustamante, F. Pizzutilo, M. Martinovic, S. Herrero Olarte (2021) Corporate Social Responsibility and Employer Attractiveness – An International Perspective, Springer Nature, ISBN 978-3-030-68860-8
F. Pizzutilo (2009), “Lo IAS 39: il trattamento contabile del portafoglio titoli ed i riflessi sull’equilibrio economico della banca”, A. Dell’Atti (a cura di), I principi contabili internazionali nell’economia e nei bilanci delle banche, Cacucci Editore, Bari
P. Di Biase, F. Pizzutilo (2007), “Il rating per Basilea”, V. Antonelli, R. D’Alessio, V. Dell’Atti (a cura di), Analisi di bilancio e Basilea 2, IPSOA, Milan
G. Maci, F. Pizzutilo (2007), “Valutazioni economico-finanziarie nella scelta delle metodologie di misurazione e gestione”, S. Dell’Atti (a cura di), Basilea 2 e piccole banche, Edibank, Rome
S. Dell’Atti, P. Di Biase, V. Pacelli, F. Pizzutilo, S. Sylos Labini (2007), “I riflessi di Basilea 2 sul governo delle banche minori. Analisi dei risultati di una indagine empirica su un campione di banche di dimensione minore”, S. Dell’Atti (a cura di), Basilea 2 e piccole banche, Edibank, Rome
F. Pizzutilo, V. Roncone (2006), “Analisi e prospettive dell’investimento del risparmio in Puglia: fattori di innovazione legati al finanziamento diretto delle iniziative imprenditoriali locali”, A. Dell’Atti (a cura di), Il risparmio in Puglia, Cacucci Editore, Bari
M. Massari, F. Pizzutilo, (2006), “Risparmio e attività di promozione finanziaria: risultati di una analisi empirica”, A. Dell’Atti (a cura di), Il risparmio in Puglia, Cacucci Editore, Bari
Conference proceedings
F. Pizzutilo, E. Venezia, (2016) “Real Option Analysis Applied to transport Investment Projects”, Proceedings of the third International Conference on Traffic and Transport Engineering, Belgrad, ISBN 978-86-916153-3-8, pp. 825-830.
F. Pizzutilo (2016), A Measure for the Diversification Trade-Off in Socially Responsible Investments, Working Paper Series on Social Responsibility, Ethics and Sustainable Business, Vol. 5, Bocconi University, Milano
F. Pizzutilo, F. Calò (2013), “Does Equity Market Neutral Actually Enhance Portfolio Diversification?”, Randall V., Academy of Business Research Spring 2013 Proceedings
F. Pizzutilo (2011), “What Do Stock Return Distributions Look Like? Evidence from the Italian market” INEAGR (editor), 8th International Conference on Applied Financial Economics Conference Proceedings
F. Pizzutilo (2010), “Is Eurozone Diversification still Valuable?” I. T. Lazaridis (editor), Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Accounting and Finance
F. Pizzutilo (2010), “Country-Specific Risk Diversification through International Equity Portfolios” INEAGR (editor), 7th International Conference on Applied Financial Economics Conference Proceedings
F. Pizzutilo (2006), “I gruppi bancari cooperativi paritetici. Riflessioni alla luce della riforma del diritto societario”, S. Dell’Atti (a cura di), Le implicazioni della riforma del diritto societario nelle banche, Quaderni Economico Giuridici Bancapulia, 5
F. Pizzutilo (2005), “Le implicazioni di Basilea II per le banche minori: risultati di una analisi empirica. I riflessi sull’area crediti.”, S. Dell’Atti (a cura di), L’impatto di Basilea II sulle PMI. Riflessi strategici organizzativi e gestionali per le banche, Quaderni Economico Giuridici Bancapulia, 3
F. Pizzutilo (2005), “Il Credit tranching, l’overcollateralisation e la misurazione del costo del finanziamento a mezzo securitisation”, S. Dell’Atti (a cura di), La cartolarizzazione dei crediti: problematiche attuali alla luce dei nuovi orientamenti”, ESI, Naples