
Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer Science, University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy. Education 2009 - Ph.D. in Computer Science. Thesis title :“Word Sense Disambiguation and Intelligent Information Access”. 2005 - Master degree in Computer Science. Thesis title: “JIGSAW: un algoritmo di disambiguazione diversificato per ogni categoria grammaticale” (JIGSAW: a word sense disambiguation algorithm with different approaches for each part-of-speech). Work Experience 2013-2016 Post-Doctoral Researcher at the Department of Computer Science, University of Bari Aldo Moro, project title: Compositional operators in Distributional Semantic Models. 2009-2013 Post-Doctoral Researcher at the Department of Computer Science, University of Bari Aldo Moro, project title: Methods and techniques for the semantic indexing of textual documents. May 2008-Jul 2008 Internship under the supervision of the Professor Eneko Agirre. The aim of this collaboration was the combination of several word sense disambiguation approaches by exploiting meta learning strategies. Awards 2016 - Future in Research. Author of the project ``Multilingual Entity Linking'' funded by the Apulia Region (Future In Research program) for the funding of 170 fixed-term research positions in the Apulia universities.Apulia Region. 2014 - CLiC-it 2014 Best Young Paper Award, Analysing Word Mining over Time by Exploiting Temporal Random IndexingFirst Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics. 2010 - Distinguished Ph.D. theses 2009-2010Special Interest Group on Natural Language Processing of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence.
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Pierpaolo Basile - CV Collegamento
pubblicato il 02/09/2013 ultima modifica 20/09/2017

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