
Barbara Padalino graduated in Veterinary Medicine at the University of Bari (Italy) in 2002. After graduating  she has become a fully qualified equine veterinarian; she worked in an equine breeding centre in Parma (Italy) and as equine specialist in a number of private equine practices. Since 2004 she is a researcher  in Animal Science at the Department of Veterinary Medicine (University of Bari). She moved to Australian in 2014 to undertake her PhD at the Faculty of Veterinary Science, the University of Sydney (Australia). Padalino's core expertise is equine science and her PhD is about the effects of transportation on horse health and welfare. She is currently on special leave to undertake research and teaching on animal welfare at the College of Veterinary Medicine and Life Science, City University of Hong Kong, HKSAR.

published on 31/10/2013 ultima modifica 12/08/2018

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