
Pubblicazioni su riviste scientifiche 

  • Monaco, D., Castagnetti, C., Lanci, A., Osman, T.K., Lacalandra, G.M., Fusi, J. On-field Gross Morphology Evaluation of Dromedary Camel (Camelus dromedarius) Fetal Membranes (2024) Animals 14 (11), art. no. 1553,
  • Monaco, D., Mariella, J., Fusi, J., Osman, T.K., Rauf, A.A., Probo, M. Hematological reference intervals in newborn dromedary calves in the first week after birth: Age and sex-related variations (2024) Animals, 169, art. no. 105172,
  • Monaco, D., Rota, A., Carbonari, A., Lillo, E., Lacalandra, G.M., Rizzo, A. Collection of epididymal semen in the tomcat (Felix catus) by stereomicroscope-aided retrograde flushing (SARF) improves sample quality (2024) Animal Reproduction Science 261, art. no. 107388,
  • Temerario, L., Monaco, D., Mastrorocco, A., Martino, N.A., Cseh, S., Lacalandra, G.M., Ciani, E., Dell’Aquila, M.E. New Strategies for Conservation of Gentile di Puglia Sheep Breed, an Autochthonous Capital of Millennial Tradition in Southern Italy, (2023) Animals, 13 (14), art. no. 2371,
  • Monaco, D., Lacalandra, G.M., Ansar, Z., Trerotoli, P., Mulligan, B.P., Osman, T.K. The Effect of Cushioned Centrifugation, with and without Enzymatic Reduction of Viscosity, on the Motility Pattern and Kinematic Parameters of Dromedary Camel Bull Spermatozoa (2023), Animals, 13 (17), art. no. 2685
  • Osman, T., Probo, M., Monaco, D., Shafiek, H.K., Freccero, F. Blood Gas, Acid-Base and Electrolyte Analysis in Healthy Dromedary Camel Calves up to 21 Days of Life (2023) Animals, 13 (6), art. no. 1117,
  • Fanelli, D., Tesi, M., Monaco, D., Diaz-Jimenez, M., Camillo, F., Rota, A., Panzani, D. Deep-horn Artificial Insemination With Frozen Thawed Semen After re-extension in Autologous Seminal Plasma May Improve Pregnancy Rates in Jennies (2022) Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 112, art. no. 103932
  • Fatnassi, M., Padalino, B., Monaco, D., Khorchani, T., Lacalandra, G.M., Hammadi, M. Effects of two different management systems on hormonal, behavioral, and semen quality in male dromedary camels (2021) Tropical Animal Health and Production, 53 (2), art. no. 275.
  • Desantis, S., Lacalandra, G.M., Batista, M., Amann, O., Antonelli, D., Monaco, D. Seminal plasma Alters surface Glycoprofile of dromedary camel cryopreserved epididymal spermatozoa (2021) Theriogenology, 167, pp. 77-84.
  • Menchetti, Monaco D., Z. Abdelai, B. Padalino. Camel welfare: survey on camel caretakers’ perspectives. Journal of Camelid Science 2021, 14 (1): 1-21.
  • Padalino, B., Abdelali, Z., Monaco, D., Freccero, F., Menchetti, L. 2021. Dromedary Camel Health Care Practices Reported by Caretakers Working at a Permanent Market (2021) Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture, 33 (4), pp. 348-361.
  • Diaz-Jimenez, M., Rota, A., Dorado, J., Consuegra, C., Pereira, B., Camillo, F., Panzani, D., Fanelli, D., Tesi, M., Monaco, D., Hidalgo, M. First pregnancies in jennies with vitrified donkey semen using a new warming method. (2021) Animal, 15 (1), art. no. 100097.
  • Monaco, D., Batista, M., Amann, O., Padalino, B., Pieters, W., Morelli, M., Accogli, G., Desantis, S., Lacalandra, G.M. (2020). Retrograde flushing collection and freezing of dromedary camel epididymal spermatozoa with seminal plasma. Acta Veterinaria Hungarica, 68 (3), pp. 289-297.
  • Gherissi, D.E., Monaco, D., Bouzebda, Z., Bouzebda, F.A., Gaouar, S.B.S., Ciani, E. Camel herds’ reproductive performance in Algeria: Objectives and thresholds in extreme arid conditions. Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences. (2020) 19 (7), pp. 482-491.
  • Monaco, D., Lacalandra G.M. (2020) Considerations for the development of a dromedary camel (Camelus dromedarius) semen collection centre. Animal Reproduction Science
  • Rateb, S.A., Monaco, D., El-Bahrawy, K.A., Khalifa, M.A., Abd El-Hamid, I.S., Kamel, A.M., Accogli, G., Lacalandra, G.M., Desantis, S. (2019). Ramifications of protease-based liquefaction of camel semen on physical, kinematic and surface glyco-pattern of cryopreserved spermatozoa. Animal Reproduction Science, 208,
  • Monaco, D., Zappia, E., Apichaya, S., Lacalandra, G.M., Thongtip, N. (2019) Post-thawing effects of three cryopreservation diluents on Rusa deer (Rusa timorensis) spermatozoa. Rep. Dom . Anim. 54 (3), pp. 635-638.
  • Monaco, Fatnassi M., Lamia D., Padalino B., Seddik M.M., Khorchani T., Hammadi M., Lacalandra GM. 2018. Mating behaviour and semen parameters in dromedary camel bulls (Camelus dromedarius): A comparison between two types of artificial vagina. Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture. 2018. 30(4): 326-334.
  • Greunz EM, Krogh AKH, Pieters W, Ruiz OA, Bohner J, Reckendorf A, Monaco D, Bertelsen MF. 2018. The acute-phase and hemostatic response in dromedary camels (Camelus dromedarius). J. Zoo Wildl. Med. 49:361-370.
  • El-Bahrawy, S. Rateb, M. Khalifa, D. Monaco, G.M. Lacalandra. 2017. Physical and kinematic properties of cryopreserved camel sperm after elimination of semen viscosity by different techniques. Anim. Repr Sci, 187, 100-108.
  • Aubè, L., Fatnassi, M., Monaco, D., Khorchani, T., Lacalandra, G.M., Hammadi, M., Padalino, B. 2017 Daily rhythms of behavioural and hormonal patterns in male dromedary camels housed in boxes. PeerJ, 2017 (3).
  • Monaco, K.A. El-Bahrawy, GM Lacalandra 2016. Epidural administration of Lecirelin for inducing ovulation in female dromedary camels (Camelus dromedarius): a preliminary study. Small Ruminant Research 146, 69-71.
  • Fatnassi, M., Padalino, B., Monaco, D., Khorchani, T., Lacalandra, G.M., Hammadi, M. Effect of continuous female exposure on behavioural repertoire and stereotypical behaviours in restrained male dromedary camels during the onset of the breeding season. (2016) Tropical Animal Health and Production, 48, 897-90.
  • Padalino B, Rateb SA, Ibrahim NB, Monaco D, Lacalandra GM, El-Bahrawy KA, 2016 Behavioural indicators to detect ovarian phase in the Dromedary she-camel, Theriogenology, 85, 1644-51.
  • Monaco, M. Fatnassi, B. Padalino, M. Hammadi, T. Khorchani, G. M. Lacalandra (2016) Effect of α-Amylase, Papain, and Spermfluid® treatments on viscosity and semen parameters of dromedary camel ejaculates. Research in Veterinary Science, 105 5-9.
  • Monaco, M. Fatnassi, B. Padalino , L. Aubé, T. Khorchani, M. Hammadi, G. M. Lacalandra 2015 Effects of a GnRH administration on testosterone profile, libido and semen parameters of dromedary camel bulls. Research in Veterinary Science, 102, 212–216.
  • Monaco D, Padalino B, Lacalandra GM. 2015 Distinctive features of female reproductive physiology and artificial insemination in the dromedary camel species. Emirates Journal of Food and agriculture, 27, 328-337.
  • Padalino B, Monaco D, Lacalandra GM. 2015. Male camel behaviour and breeding management strategies: how to handle a camel bull during the breeding season? Emirates Journal of Food and agriculture, 27, 338-349.
  • Accogli G., Monaco , El Bahrawy K.A., Ashraf E.E., Ciannarella F., Beneult B., Lacalandra G.M., Desantis S., 2014. Morphological and glycan features of the camel oviduct epithelium. Annals of Anatomy 196 (2014) 197–205.
  • Padalino B, Aubé L, Fatnassi M, Monaco D, Khorchani T, Hammadi M, Lacalandra GM (2014). Could dromedary develop stereotypy? The first description of stereotypical behaviour in housed dromedary camels and how it is affected by different management system. PLOS ONE, vol. 9, p. 1-9
  • Russo, D. Monaco, M. Rubessa, K.A. El-Bahrawy, A. El-Sayed, N.A. Martino, B. Beneult, F. Ciannarella, M.E Dell’Aquila, G.M. Lacalandra And M. Filioli Uranio. 2014. Confocal fluorescence assessment of bioenergy/ redox status of dromedary camel (Camelus dromedarius) oocytes before and after in vitro maturation. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology 14, 12-16.
  • Fatnassi M., Padalino B, Monaco, Aubé L., Khorchani T., Lacalandra G.M., Hammadi M. 2014. Effect of different management systems on rutting behavior and behavioral repertoire of housed Maghrebi male camels (Camelus dromedarius). Tropical Animal Health And Production 46, 861-867.
  • Fatnassi M, Padalino B, Monaco D, Khorchani T, Lacalandra GM, Hammadi M (2014). Evaluation of sexual behavior of housed male camels (Camelus dromedarius) through female parades: correlation with climatic parameters. Tropical Animal Health And Production, vol. 46, p. 313-321
  • Monaco, G.M. Lacalandra and K.A. El-Bahrawy. (2013). Ovarian monitoring and effects of Controlled Intravaginal Drug Releaser (CIDR) on vaginal environment and follicular activity in dromedary camels, during non-breeding season, in Egypt. Emir. J. Food Agric, 25, 296-300.



  • Monaco, D.; Castagnetti, C.; Osman, T.; Lacalandra, G.M.; Fusi, J. Macroscopic features of dromedary camel placenta at term ICAR 2020+2 Satellite Meeting on Camelid Reproduction 1-3 July 2022, Bologna, Italy.
  • Osman, T.; Probo, M.; Monaco, D.; Karem H.; Freccero F. Blood gas analysis in healthy dromedary calves during the first 3 weeks of age. ICAR 2020+2 Satellite Meeting on Camelid Reproduction 1-3 July 2022, Bologna, Italy.
  • Probo, M.; Rauf, A.; Lanci, A.; Fusi, J.; Monaco, D. Agreement between serum brix refractometry and IgG, GT AND TOTAL protein in dromedary calves. ICAR 2020+2 Satellite Meeting on Camelid Reproduction 1-3 July 2022, Bologna, Italy.
  • Mulligan, BP; Monaco, D; Ansar, Z; Martino, NA; Osman, T. Expansion and pregnancy rates of grade 3 folded dromedary camel embryos, following overnight incubation at 37°C. ICAR 2020+2 Satellite Meeting on Camelid Reproduction 1-3 July 2022, Bologna, Italy.
  • Castagnetti, C; Monaco, D; Veronesi, MC; Mariella, J; Osman, T. Venous blood lactate concentrations in healthy dromedary calves at birth and at 24 h of age. ICAR 2020+2 Satellite Meeting on Camelid Reproduction 1-3 July 2022, Bologna, Italy.
  • Fatnassi M., Elhouch F., Monaco, Khorchani T., Lacalandra G.M., Hammadi M. (2016). Variation of sperm characteristics among ejaculated semen fractions of dromedary camels (Camelus dromedarius). 18th International Congress on animal reproduction (ICAR).
  • Desantis S; Monaco D; Accogli G; Albrizio M; El-Bahrawy KA; Rateb SA; Lacalandra GM 2016. Effect of bromelain and papain treatments on the glycan pattern of cryopreserved dromedary camel spermatozoa. ICAR Camelid Satellite meeting, Tours, 1-3 July 2016
  • Monaco, M. Batista, A. Zagorskaia, O. Amann, G.M. Lacalandra. 2016. Retrograde flushing of dromedary camel bull epididymis: A lesson learned. Animal Reproduction Science, Special Issue on 10th Biennial Conference of the Association for Applied Animal Andrology 169, 121.
  • Fatnassi M., Padalino B, Monaco, Aubé L., Khorchani T., Lacalandra G.M., Hammadi M. 2015. Effect of continuous female exposition on stereotypic behaviour in housed male dromedary camel during the onset of the breeding season. Special issue of scientific and practical j. vet. #2 292.
  • Desantis S., Accogli G., Monaco, El- Bahrawy K.A.., Rateb S.A., Lacalandra G.M. 2015. The effects of papain treatment on the glycan pattern of cryopreserved dromedary camel spermatozoa. Special issue of scientific and practical journal veterinariya #2 42, 369
  • Seddik M.M., Monaco, Fatnassi M., Padalino B., Khorchani T. Lacalandra G.M. & Hammadi M. First successful artificial insemination of synchronized female Maghrebi camels in Tunisia. Séminaire International Sur l’Elevage et la Faune sauvage en Millieux Arides et Desertiques. Djerba, Tunisie 16-18 Décembre 2014. Pag 25
  • Fatnassi M., Padalino B., Monaco D, Metwalli N.H., Khorchani T., Lacalandra G.M. & Hammadi M.Effect of continuous female exposition on testosterone level and sexual behavior in male dromedary camel. Séminaire International Sur l’Elevage et la Faune sauvage en Millieux Arides et Desertiques. Djerba, Tunisie 16-18 Décembre 2014. Pag 28
  • Padalino, N.H. Ibrahim, S.A. Rateb, D. Monaco, G.M. Lacalandra and K.A. El-Bahrawy. Behavioral Indicators of Ovarian Phase in the Dromedary She-camel. In: S. Hatcher, G.L. Krebs and B.W.B. Holman. Harnessing the Ecology and Physiology of Herbivores. vol. 30, pp. 316-317, Canberra, 8-12/09/2014
  • Monaco, M. Fatnassi, B. Padalino, L. Aubé, T. Khorchani, M. Hammadi, G.M. Lacalandra 2014. The use of a single administration of GnRH in Dromedary male bulls. 9th Biennial Conference of Association for Applied Animal Andrology Newcastle, Australia August 8- 10, 2014
  • Monaco, D., Fatnassi, M., Padalino, B., Kchira, B., El Bahrawy, K., Rateb, S., Khorchani, T., Hammadi, M. and Lacalandra, G.M., 2013. The experimental semen collection centres for dromedary camels in Egypt and Tunisia: Current situation and future developments. Proceeding of the XI congress of Italian Society of Animal Reproduction (SIRA 2013). ISBN: 978-88-907328-1-2 DOI:10.4483/SIRA.2013.X pp. 132-136
  • Monaco, Lacalandra G.M., El Bahrawy K.A., Khorchani T., Hammadi M., Faye B. 2013. Promotion of innovative systems in Camel breeding for sustainable development in Egypt and Tunisia: The ENPI CBC MED “PROCAMED” project. The Camel Conference: School of Oriental and African Studies, London, 29-30 April 2013
  • Accogli G, Monaco D, El Bahrawy KA, El-Sayed A, Ciannarella F, Beneult B, Lacalandra GM, Desantis S. 2013. Morphological and glycan features of the dromedary oviduct epithelium. IX Congresso Nazionale Associazione Italiana Morfologi Veterinari, 23-24 Maggio 2013, Roma  (Abstract) pag. 9.
  • Padalino, B., Fatnassi, M., Monaco, D., Hammadi, M., Khorchani, T and Lacarandra, G.M., 2013. A new ethogram for evaluating housed male dromedary camel behavior and libido. Proceeding of the XI congress of Italian Society of Animal Reproduction (SIRA 2013). ISBN: 978-88-907328-1-2 DOI:10.4483/SIRA.2013.X pp. 137-142.
  • Russo R, Monaco D, Rubessa M, El Bahrawy KA, El-Sayed A, Martino NA, Beneult B, Ciannarella F, Dell’Aquila ME, Lacalandra GM, Filioli Uranio M. (2013). Confocal Fluorescence Assessment Of Bioenergy/Redox Status Of Dromedary Camel Oocytes Before And After In Vitro Maturation. Proceeding of Conference on Sustainability of Camel Population and Production (CSCPP) Al Hofuf, Saudi Arabia February 17-20, abstract pag. 132.
  • Accogli G, Monaco D, El Bahrawy KA, El-Sayed A, Ciannarella F, Beneult B, Lacalandra GM, Desantis S. (2013). Sialoglycoprotein Changes During Sexual Cycle And Pregnancy In The Dromedary Oviduct. Proceeding of Conference on Sustainability of Camel Population and Production (CSCPP) Al Hofuf, Saudi Arabia February 17-20, abstract, pag 133.
  • Monaco , Vyas S., Lacalandra GM., Patil, NV. (2012). “New treatments for the induction of ovulation in dromedary camel females: preliminary studies”. Proceedings of the ICAR Satellite Meeting on Camelid Reproduction, Aug. 3-5, Vancouver, BC,.
  • Monaco, Lacalandra G.M., El-Hassanein E.E., Rateb S., Salama O., El-Bahrawy K.A. (2012). “Effect of controlled intravaginal drug releaser (CIDR) and pmsg on ovarian activity of primiparous and pluriparous dromedary camel during seasonal anestrus period”. Proceedings of the 3rd conference of International Society Of Camelid Applied Research And Development (ISOCARD). 29 January-1 February, Muscat, Oman.
  • Monaco, Lacalandra G.M., El-Hassanein E.E., Rateb S., Salama O., El-Bahrawy K.A. (2012) “Effect of a controlled intravaginal drug releaser (CIDR) and a GnRH administration on ovarian follicular dynamics of female dromedary camel during seasonal anestrus period”. Proceedings of the 3rd conference of International Society Of Camelid Applied Research And Development (ISOCARD). 29 January-1 February, Muscat, Oman.
  • Quaranta A., Nicassio M., Hammadi M., Seddik MM., Monaco, Sasso R., Lacalandra GM. (2010). “Nuove osservazioni su stimolazione della libido e funzionalità riproduttiva del maschio di dromedario (Camelus dromedarius)” (New observations on hormonal stimulation of libido and reproductive function in the male dromedary camel). Proceedings of the VIII congress of Italian Society of Animal Reproduction (S.I.R.A.), Ozzano dell’Emilia (BO) 17-18 giugno 2010.
  • Laudadio V., Dario M., Khorchani T., Hammady M., Lacalandra G.M., Monaco, Tufarelli V. (2009) “Fecal liquor as microbial inoculum source for in vitro (Daisy) technique to estimate the digestibility of feeds for camels”. Proceedings of the Second conference of ISOCARD Djerba (Tunisia), 12-14 March.
  • Monaco, Hammady M., Seddik MM., Moshlah M. Aiudi G., Matarrese R., Khorchani T., Lacalandra G.M.(2009). “Ovarian activity in female dromedary camels (Camelus dromedarius) after male parades and induction of ovulation with GnRH analogue out of the breeding season”. Proceedings of the Italian Society of Animal Reproduction (S.I.R.A.) Congress, Messina (Sicily) 2-3 July 2009.
  • Monaco, Hammady M., Seddik MM., Moshlah M. Aiudi G., Matarrese R., Khorchani T., Lacalandra G.M.(2009). “Ovarian steroid levels in female dromedary camel after male parades during non-breeding season”. Proceedings of the Second conference of ISOCARD Djerba, March 2009.
pubblicato il 21/07/2017 ultima modifica 31/07/2024

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