Professional qualifications: DVM, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Bari (1990); PhD, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Bari (1993); Specialized in Infectious Diseases, Prophylaxis and Police (1997).
Academic assignments: Member of the School of Specialization in "Infectious Diseases, Prophylaxis and Veterinary Police" and “Hygiene and Inspection of Food Animal Origin”; University of Bari; Member of the Scientific Committee of the PhD course in “Animal Health and Zoonosis”.
Teaching activities: Twenty years of teaching experience on Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases at the Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Bari, Italy at the course L38 an LM42 and at School of Specialization – veterinary area (Infectious Diseases, Prophylaxis and Veterinary Police and Inspection of food of animal origin) and health area (Medicine and Surgery), University of Bari.
Additional information: His scientific output in Veterinary Parasitology to date consists of 120 peer-reviewed scientific articles in international journals and 200 refereed publications on Italian journals and presentations at National and International conferences; 9 book chapters and 2 documentaries of parasitology to implement learning and teaching. h-index: 33; Citations: 3.230 by 2.112 documents. He currently works on different aspects: morphological identification of parasites with particular experience in the identification of nematodes (Spirurida), sand flies and ticks; laboratory diagnosis of parasitic diseases; competence in the activity of collection of biological samples in the field with experience in clinical diagnosis. He has high competence in the scientific photography. Main research fields: his research interests include the study the arthropod-borne diseases, nematodes and cestodes of the dog and cat of zoonotic concern. Statement of track record: Research and teaching experience in parasitic diseases of livestock in Mediterranean areas (diagnosis and control).