Attività Didattica

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Corso di Laurea in Lingue e Culture per il Turismo e la Mediazione Internazionale (L-12) 

Lingua Inglese 3 (gruppo A-K) (gruppo L-Z)

Programma didattico dettagliato   

Aims and objectives

The course aims to develop proficient user language competence (B2/C1 level, as described in the latest version of the CEFR Companion Volume). By the end of the course, you will be able to analyse the structure of English words, their lexical and sense relations, word classes as well as the construction of phrases, clauses, and sentences. You will also become aware of the relevance of contrastive linguistics for translating a written text in writing. The course is divided into 12 teaching units, each requiring five hours of seminar time. Each unit is composed of a) an introduction; b) an explanation of linguistic concepts; c) illustrative examples from a wide range of authentic texts; d) language activities; e) a discussion of the translation problems that may arise when there are systemic differences between English and Italian; f) translation tasks into and out of English; g) a summary of the main points to remember.


  • Laviosa Sara (2023) Linking Wor(l)ds: A Coursebook on Translation. New Edition. Napoli: Liguori Editore. ISBN: 978-88-207-6994-9
  • Braithwaite Richard D.G. (2023) English Lexis, Grammar and Translation. New Edition. A Digital Workbook that accompanies Linking Wor(l)ds. Accessible for download from the publishers' website, as per instructions contained in Linking Wor(l)ds. Napoli: Liguori Editore. ISBN: 978-88-207-6994-9


Both textbooks are protected by copyright laws. The use of photocopies of published material that is protected by copyright laws is illegal. 

Teaching methodology

In keeping with recent trends in language and translation pedagogy, the course adopts the approach, design and procedures of Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT). Learning is therefore student-centred and interactive. 

Distance learning students

Distance learning students will study all the 12 chapters contained in the coursebook and in the digital workbook.

Suggestions for self-study

Both Linking Wor(l)ds and English Lexis, Grammar and Translation contain suggested translations and the answers to all the language exercises. Distance-learning students are advised to use these resources to check their answers to the language exercises and compare their translations vis-à-vis those suggested by the authors of the coursebooks.


In order to pass this 12-credit course, you need to achieve a minimum grade of 18/30 both in the written test and in the oral exam.

Written test: a 4-hour test made up of three sections: a) an academic essay (20 marks); b) a translation from English into Italian (5 marks); and c) a translation from Italian into English (5 marks). The translations are to be undertaken in accordance with the instructions contained in the translation brief.

Oral exam: a 10-minute test consisting of two parts:

  1. analysis of the procedures adopted when translating from English into Italian a text selected at random from the “Translation tasks” section in the coursebook Linking Wor(l)ds
  2. translation task selected at random from sections 4.4; 5.5; 5.7; 9.4; 10.2; or 11.2 in the Digital Workbook English Lexis, Grammar and Translation.


From Linking Wor(l)ds: A Coursebook on Translation by Sara Laviosa (2023)

A 7-minute presentation during which you will: a) explain and illustrate the procedures adopted when translating from English into Italian a text selected at random from the "Translation tasks" section contained in each of the 12 chapters of the coursebook Linking Wor(l)ds; b) demonstrate knowledge of contrastive linguistics in order to analyse the differences between the source and the target language.

Chapter 1

Translation task 1.6.1a (read the text aloud, translate it, and explain the translation procedure you have adopted to render the English derivative “homeward”, which does not have an equivalent derivative in Italian); or Translation task 1.6.1b (read the text aloud, translate it, and explain the translation procedure you have adopted to render the English compound “businesswoman”, which does not have an equivalent compound in Italian).

Chapter 2

Translation task 2.6.1c (from “The Shrewsbury Quest” to the end); (read the text aloud, translate “The Shrewsbury Quest”, and explain the translation procedure you have adopted to render the culture-specific word “Shrewsbury Quest” in Italian).

Chapter 3

Translation task 3.6.1. (read the text aloud, translate it, and explain the translation procedure you have adopted to render the pun “arrange a date” in Italian) or Translation task 3.6.2. (read the text aloud, translate 1 example of creative metaphor, and explain the translation procedure you have adopted to render it in Italian).

Chapter 4

Translation task 4.6.1a (read the text aloud, translate the 3 idioms contained in this passage, and explain the translation procedure(s) you have adopted to render them in Italian) or Translation task 4.6.1b (read the text aloud, translate the 2 idioms contained in this passage, and explain the translation procedure(s) you have adopted to render them Italian).

Chapter 5

Translation task 5.6.1. (read the text aloud, translate the declarative clause “I’m sure”, and explain the translation procedure you have adopted to avoid specifying the gender of the narrator).

Chapter 6

Translation task 6.6.1. (up to “July 2005”);  (read the text aloud, translate it, and explain the translation procedure(s) you have adopted to render the possessive determiner in Italian).

Chapter 7

Translation task 7.5.1. (up to “Technical Support Information”); (read the text aloud, identify all the 7 lexically dense noun phrases contained in this text extract, analyse 1 of them, and explain the translation procedure you have adopted to render it in Italian).

Chapter 8

Translation task 8.5.1 (up to “enemies”); (read the text aloud, translate it, and explain the translation procedure(s) you have adopted to render the past simple tense in Italian).

Chapter 9

Translation task 9.6.1 (up to “current changes in society”); (first read the text aloud, then translate it, making sure that you nominalise the verb phrase “have changed”, in line with the nominal style that characterizes Italian scientific and technical writing).

Chapter 10

Translation task 10.6.1 (read the last paragraph of the text, translate it, and explain the translation procedure you have adopted to render the passive voice in Italian).

Chapter 11

Translation task 11.6.1. (up to “an essential part of your visit”); (read the text aloud, analyse the grammatical function that each phrase in the first sentence fulfils, translate the sentence, and explain the translation procedure you have adopted to render it in Italian).

Chapter 12

Translation task 12.6.1. (up to “record prices”); (read the text aloud, analyse the structure of the 3 sentences contained in this text extract, translate the first sentence, and explain the translation procedure you have adopted to render it in Italian).

From English Lexis, Grammar and Translation by Richard D.G. Braithwaite (2023)

A 3-minute presentation during which you will carry out one translation task selected at random from sections: 4.4; 5.5; 5.7; 9.4; 10.2; or 11.2

Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Lingue e Letterature Moderne (LM-37)

Lingua Inglese 2

Programma didattico dettagliato 

Aims and objectives

This course aims to consolidate and develop proficient user language competence (C1/C2 level, as described in the latest version of the CEFR Companion Volume). You will also become aware of the relevance of contrastive linguistics for translating a written text in writing. The learning goal is to achieve plurilingual and pluricultural competence. 


  • Laviosa Sara (2023) Linking Wor(l)ds: A Coursebook on Translation. New Edition. Napoli: Liguori Editore. ISBN: 978-88-207-6994-9
  • Braithwaite Richard D.G. (2023) English Lexis, Grammar and Translation. New Edition. A Digital Workbook that accompanies Linking Wor(l)ds. Accessible for download from the publishers' website, as per instructions contained in Linking Wor(l)ds. Napoli: Liguori Editore. ISBN: 978-88-207-6994-9

Both textbooks are protected by copyright laws. The use of photocopies of published material that is protected by copyright laws is illegal. 

Teaching methodology

In keeping with recent trends in language and translation pedagogy, learning is dialogic, collaborative, participatory, and self-engaging.

Distance learning students

Distance learning students will study all the chapters contained in the coursebook and in the digital workbook.

Suggestions for self-study

Both Linking Wor(l)ds and English Lexis, Grammar and Translation contain suggested translations and the answers to all the language exercises. Distance-learning students are advised to use these resources to check their answers to the language exercises and compare their translations vis-à-vis those suggested by the authors of the coursebooks.


In order to pass this 12-credit course, you need to achieve a minimum grade of 18/30 in both the written test and the oral exam.

Written test: a 4-hour test made up of three sections: a) an academic essay that focuses on the analysis of an English source text; b) translation of the same text into Italian in accordance with the instructions provided in the translation brief; c) analysis of the translation product and process.

Oral exam: a 15-minute test consisting of three parts:

  1. one exercise of your choice from the “Introduction” in the coursebook Linking Wor(l)ds;
  2. analysis of the procedures adopted when translating from English into Italian a text selected at random from the "Translation tasks" section in the coursebook Linking Wor(l)ds
  3. one translation task selected at random from one of the following sections: 4.4; 5.5; 5.7; 9.4; 10.2; or 11.2 in the Digital Workbook English Lexis, Grammar and Translation.


A 15-minute presentation consisting of three parts.


One exercise of your choice (riflessione o attività) from the “Introduction” in the coursebook Linking Wor(l)ds: A Coursebook on Translation by Sara Laviosa (2023) (in English or Italian).


A task selected at random from one of the 12 chapters contained in Linking Wor(l)ds: A Coursebook on Translation by Sara Laviosa (2023).

Chapter 1

Translation task 1.6.1a (read the text aloud, translate it, and explain the translation procedure you have adopted to render the English derivative “homeward”, which does not have an equivalent derivative in Italian); or Translation task 1.6.1b (read the text aloud, translate it, and explain the translation procedure you have adopted to render the English compound “businesswoman”, which does not have an equivalent compound in Italian).

Chapter 2

Translation task 2.6.1c (from “The Shrewsbury Quest” to the end); (read the text aloud, translate “The Shrewsbury Quest”, and explain the translation procedure you have adopted to render the culture-specific word “Shrewsbury Quest” in Italian).

Chapter 3

Translation task 3.6.1. (read the text aloud, translate it, and explain the translation procedure you have adopted to render the pun “arrange a date” in Italian) or Translation task 3.6.2. (read the text aloud, translate 1 example of creative metaphor, and explain the translation procedure you have adopted to render it in Italian).

Chapter 4

Translation task 4.6.1a (read the text aloud, translate the 3 idioms contained in this passage, and explain the translation procedure(s) you have adopted to render them in Italian) or Translation task 4.6.1b (read the text aloud, translate the 2 idioms contained in this passage, and explain the translation procedure(s) you have adopted to render them in Italian).

Chapter 5

Translation task 5.6.1. (read the text aloud, translate the declarative clause “I’m sure”, and explain the translation procedure you have adopted to avoid specifying the gender of the narrator).

Chapter 6

Translation task 6.6.1. (up to “July 2005”);  (read the text aloud, translate it, and explain the translation procedure(s) you have adopted to render the possessive determiner in Italian).

Chapter 7

Translation task 7.5.1. (up to “Technical Support Information”); (read the text aloud, identify all the 7 lexically dense noun phrases contained in this text extract, analyse 1 of them, and explain the translation procedure you have adopted to render it in Italian).

Chapter 8

Translation task 8.5.1 (up to “enemies”); (read the text aloud, translate it, and explain the translation procedure(s) you have adopted to render the past simple tense in Italian).

Chapter 9

Translation task 9.6.1 (up to “current changes in society”); (first read the text aloud, then translate it, making sure that you nominalise the verb phrase “have changed”, in line with the nominal style that characterizes Italian scientific and technical writing).

Chapter 10

Translation task 10.6.1 (read the last paragraph of the text, translate it, and explain the translation procedure you have adopted to render the passive voice in Italian).

Chapter 11

Translation task 11.6.1. (up to “an essential part of your visit”); (read the text aloud, analyse the grammatical function that each phrase in the first sentence fulfils, translate the sentence, and explain the translation procedure you have adopted to render it in Italian).

Chapter 12

Translation task 12.6.1. (up to “record prices”); (read the text aloud, analyse the structure of the 3 sentences contained in this text extract, translate the first sentence, and explain the translation procedure you have adopted to render it in Italian).


A translation task selected at random from one of the following sections: 4.4; 5.5; 5.7; 9.4; 10.2; or 11.2, in the Digital Workbook English Lexis, Grammar and Translation by Richard D.G. Braithwaite (2023).











pubblicato il 02/09/2013 ultima modifica 07/09/2024

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