
Donato Impedovo is an associate professor at Department of Computer Science of the University of Bari (IT). He received the MEng degree cum laude in Computer Engineering and the PhD degree in Computer Engineering. He has carried out research activities both in the Academic and in the Industrial environments having worked in public research institutes and in accredited private research laboratories. His research interests are in the field of signal processing, pattern recognition, computer vision and machine learning applied to 4 different areas: security, e-health, smart city and sustainability. He is co-author of more than 150 articles on these fields in both international journals and conference proceedings. He received the “distinction” award in May 2009 at the International Conference on Computer Recognition Systems (CORES – endorsed by IAPR), and the first prize of the first Nereus-Euroavia Academic competition on GMES in October 2012. Prof. Impedovo is also very involved in research projects as well as in research transfer activities: he has managed more than 30 projects funded by public institutions (e.g. EU-H2020, PNRR-Partenariati Estesi, MIUR-PRIN2017, ecc.) as well as by private PMIs. He has many collaborations with researchers around the world. Prof. Impedovo is Associate Editor (AE) for IEEE Access, Springer Nature Computer Science, IEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society. He has been appointed as Outstanding IEEE AE in 2020 and 2021. He is reviewer for many international journals including IEEE T-SMC, IEEE-CYB, IEEE T-HMS, IEEE-TIFS, IEEE-TECT, Pattern Recognition and many others. He has been Guest Editor of many Special Issues on topics of interests connected to his research activities on relevant journals (eg. Pattern Recognition Letters, IEEE Access, Pattern Recognition, IET Biometrics, etc.). He was the general co-chair of many International Workshops as well as international competitions in relevant conferences (e.g. ICDAR). He is PC member of many premier conferences (e.g. CVPR, ICPR, ICDAR and ICASSP). Since 2017 he serves as reviewer and rapporteur for EU in the projects evaluation procedures. He is IAPR and IEEE senior member. He also serves as member of specific IEEE Committee (e.g. IEEE Senior Member elevation committee, EiC evaluation committee, IEEE plagiarism evaluation, etc.). He has founded (2019) a Spin-Off accredited by the University of Bari Aldo Moro of which he is currently President.

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pubblicato il 17/12/2015 ultima modifica 21/04/2023