Fiore, V., Borrello, M., Carlucci, D., Giannoccaro, G., Russo, S., Stempfle, S., & Roselli, L. (2024). The socio-economic issues of agroecology: a scoping review. Agricultural and Food Economics, 12(1), 16.
Stempfle, S., Carlucci, D., Borrello, M., Cembalo, L., de Gennaro, B. C., Roselli, L., & Giannoccaro, G. (2024). Agri-food systems in transition: potentialities and challenges of moving towards circular models. Journal of Cleaner Production, 144005.
Mirra, L., Gutiérrez-Martín, C., & Giannoccaro, G. (2024). Security-differentiated Water Pricing as a Mechanism for Mitigating Drought Impacts. Insights from a Case Study in the Mediterranean Basin. Environmental Management, 73(3), 683-696.
Carlucci, D., Roselli, L., Giannoccaro, G., Cavallo, C., Del Giudice, T., Vecchio, R., ... & De Gennaro, B. C. (2023). Consumer acceptance of innovations in traditional foods: The case of extra-virgin olive oil. British Food Journal, 125(1), 1-17.
Stempfle, S., Roselli, L., Carlucci, D., Leone, A., de Gennaro, B. C., & Giannoccaro, G. (2022). Toward the circular economy into the olive oil supply chain: A case study analysis of a vertically integrated firm. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 6, 1005604.
Giannoccaro, G., Roselli, L., Sardaro, R., & de Gennaro, B. C. (2022). Design of an incentive-based tool for effective water saving policy in agriculture. Agricultural Water Management, 272, 107866.
Stempfle, S., Carlucci, D., de Gennaro, B. C., Roselli, L., & Giannoccaro, G. (2021). Available pathways for operationalizing circular economy into the olive oil supply chain: mapping evidence from a scoping literature review. Sustainability, 13(17), 9789.
Lombardi, A., Carlucci, D., Cavallo, C., De Gennaro, B., Del Giudice, T., Giannoccaro, G., ... & Cicia, G. (2021). Do consumers understand health claims on extra-virgin olive oil?. Food Research International, 143, 110267.
Mirra, L., de Gennaro, B. C., Giannoccaro, G. (2021). Farmer Evaluation of Irrigation Services. Collective or Self-Supplied?. Land, 10(4), 415.
Portoghese, I., Giannoccaro, G., Giordano, R., & Pagano, A. (2021). Modeling the impacts of volumetric water pricing in irrigation districts with conjunctive use of surface and groundwater resources. Agricultural Water Management, 244, 106561.
Giannoccaro, G., Sardaro, R., de Vito, R., Roselli, L. de Gennaro, B.C. (2020) Politiche di gestione della risorsa idrica sotterranea a fini irrigui. Analisi delle preferenze degli agricoltori. ECONOMIA AGRO-ALIMENTARE, 22 (2), 1-27.
Berbel, J., Borrego-Marin, M., Exposito, A., Giannoccaro, G., Montilla-Lopez, N. M., & Roseta-Palma, C. (2019). Analysis of irrigation water tariffs and taxes in Europe. Water Policy, 21(4), 806-825.
Giannoccaro, G., Arborea, S., de Gennaro, B. C., Iacobellis, V., Piccinni, A. F. (2019). Assessing reclaimed urban wastewater for reuse in agriculture: Technical and economic concerns for Mediterranean Regions. Water, 11(7), 1511.
Giannoccaro, G., Casieri, A., de Vito, R., Zingaro, D., Portoghese, I. (2019). Impatti economici dell’interruzione del servizio irriguo consortile nell’area della Capitanata (Puglia). Stima empirica per il pomodoro da industria nel periodo 2001-2016. Aestimum, 101-114.
Giannoccaro, G., Carlucci, D., Sardaro, R., Roselli, L., De Gennaro, B. C. (2019). Assessing consumer preferences for organic vs eco-labelled olive oils. Organic Agriculture, 1-12.
Roselli, L., Giannoccaro, G., Carlucci, D., De Gennaro, B. (2018). EU quality labels in the Italian olive oil market: How much overlap is there between geographical indication and organic production?. Journal of Food Products Marketing, 24(6), 784-801.
De Meo, E., Giannoccaro, G., Berbel, J., Campo, R. (2018). Food waste: A survey about consumers and their attitudes. RIVISTA DI STUDI SULLA SOSTENIBILITA'.
Ursitti, A., Giannoccaro, G., Prosperi, M., De Meo, E., & de Gennaro, B. C. (2018). The Magnitude and Cost of Groundwater Metering and Control in Agriculture. Water, 10(3), 344.
Myriam, Anna Scaringelli, Giacomo Giannoccaro, Maurizio Prosperi, Antonio Lopolito (2017). Are farmers willing to pay for bio-plastic products? The case of mulching films from urban waste. New Medit 16(3), 60-67.
Donato Zingaro, Ivan Portoghese, Giacomo Giannoccaro (2017). Modelling crop pattern changes and water resources exploitation: a case study. Water 9, 685;
Giacomo Giannoccaro, Alessandra Scardigno, Maurizio Prosperi (2017). Economic analysis of the long-term effects of groundwater salinity: bringing the farmer’s perspectives into policy. Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences 14(1), 59-72.
Arborea, S.; Giannoccaro, G.; de Gennaro, B.C.; Iacobellis, V.; Piccinni, A.F. (2017). Cost–Benefit Analysis of Wastewater Reuse in Puglia, Southern Italy. Water 9, 175.
Giannoccaro G., de Gennaro B. C., De Meo E., Prosperi M. (2017). Assessing farmers’ willingness to supply biomass as energy feedstock: cereal straw in Apulia (Italy). Energy Economics 61: 179-185.
Palmieri N., Forleo M.B., Giannoccaro G., Suardi A., (2017). Environmental impact of cereal straw management: An on-farm assessment. Journal of Cleaner Production 142 (4): 2950–2964.
Giacomo Giannoccaro, Biagio Goduto, Maurizio Prosperi, Bernardo Corrado de Gennaro (2016). Il metodo del prezzo edonico per la stima del valore della risorsa idrica. Un’applicazione empirica nell’area irrigua della Capitanata (Puglia). Aestimum 68: 29-44.
Myriam, Anna Scaringelli, Giacomo Giannoccaro, Maurizio Prosperi, Antonio Lopolito (2016). Adoption of biodegradable mulching films in agriculture: is there a negative prejudice towards materials derived from organic wastes? Italian Journal of Agronomy 11(2): 92-99
Giacomo Giannoccaro, Manuela Castillo and Julio Berbel (2016). Factors influencing farmers’ willingness to participate in water allocation trading. A case study in southern Spain. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 14 (1), e0101.
Giacomo Giannoccaro, Rosaria Vicecchia, Bernardo C. de Gennaro (2015). Influence of the CAP reform on livestock. Outlook for selected European regions by 2020. Outlook on Agriculture 44(4), 303-308.
Giacomo Giannoccaro, Manuela Castillo and Julio Berbel (2015). An assessment of farmers' willingness to participate in water trading in southern Spain. Water Policy 17(3), 520–537.
Emilio De Meo and Antonio Lopolito and Maurizio Prosperi and Giacomo Giannoccaro and Rosa Anna Ciccone, (2014) ''How to promote community social acceptance of solid biomass in Europe? Identifying firms' best practices'', Economics Bulletin 34(4), 2080-2092
Giannoccaro, G., Berbel, J. (2014): Farmers’ stated responses towards chemical use under the CAP liberalization. Agricultural Economics-Czech 60 (1): 9-20.
Giannoccaro G., Pedraza V., Berbel J. (2013): Analysis of stakeholders’ attitudes towards water markets in Southern Spain. Water 5(4): 1517-1532.
Berbel, J., Pedraza, V., Giannoccaro, G. (2013). The trajectory towards basin closure of a European river: Guadalquivir. International Journal of River Basin Management 11, (1): 111-119.
Giannoccaro, G., Berbel, J. (2013): Farmers' stated preference analysis towards resources use under alternative policy scenarios. Land Use Policy 31(2), 145-155.
Giannoccaro, G., Berbel, J. (2011): Influence of the Common Agricultural Policy on the farmer’s intended decision on water use. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 9(4), 1021-1034.
Martín-Ortega, J., Giannoccaro, G., Berbel, J. (2011): Environmental and resource costs under water scarcity conditions: an estimation in the context of the European Water Framework Directive. Water Resources Management 25(6), 1615–1633.
Giacomo Giannoccaro, Maurizio Prosperi, Giacomo Zanni (2011): Economic effects of legislative framework changes in groundwater use rights for irrigation. Water 3(3), 906-922.
Giannoccaro G., Prosperi M., Zanni G. (2010): Assessing the impact of alternative water pricing schemes on income distribution. Journal of Agricultural Economics 61(3), 527–544.