English CV

Personal data, Career/Employment, Honors, Awards and Grants, Membership, Publications

Personal Data
Date of Birth: December 27th 1960
Place of Birth: Altamura (Italy) Nationality: Italian
Married, 3 sons

1987-1990 Research Associate, Institute of Pathology, CWRU, Cleveland, Ohio, USA
1994-2000 Staff physician, Institute of Nephrology, University of Bari
1997-1998 Visiting Professor, Department of Surgery, University of Pittsburgh
2000-2001 Associate Professor of Nephrology, University of Bari and Renal Division Chief,
“Umberto I” Hospital, Altamura
2001-2003 Associate Professor of Nephrology, Chief of the Renal, Dialysis and Transplantation
Unit, University Hospital of Foggia
2004-2007 Director of the Centre of Excellence “BIOAGROMED” for the application of
Biotechnologies to Medicine and Food Quality
2003-2010 Full Professor of Nephrology, Chief of the Renal, Dialysis and Transplantation
Unit, University Hospital of Foggia
2003-2010 Coordinator of the PhD Program “Molecular Medicine”, School of Medicine, University
of Foggia
2005-2010 Director of the Nephrology Resident Program, School of Medicine, University of
2006-2015 Chairman, Regional Competence Centers for Agri-Food Technologies (C.E.R.T.A)
2006-2010 Chairman, Apulian Regional Agri-Food Technology District (D.A.R.E.)
2007-2010 Director, Department of Nephrology, Dialysis and Tranplantation, Daunia Area (DIAN)
2007-2010 Council member, Italian Society of Nephrology
2009-2010 Member of the Evaluation Unit of the University of Foggia
2010-2015 Member, Steering Committee of Immunonephrology Working Group, ERA-EDTA
2012-2015 Council member, ERA-EDTA (European Society of Nephrology)
2012-2015 Member of the Group of Experts for Evaluation - 06 Area (GEV-06) of the ANVUR
National Agency for Evaluation of the University and Research System
2010-2015 Director of the Nephrology Resident Program, School of Medicine, University of Bari
2016-2018 President, Italian Society of Nephrology

2010-pres Full Professor of Nephrology, Chief of the Renal, Dialysis and Transplantation Unit,
University Hospital “Policlinico” of Bari
2015-pres Coordinator, Apulia Transplant Program
2015-pres Chairman, CME Committee, European Society of Nephrology (ERA-EDTA)
2016-pres Dean, School of Medicine, University of Bari
2018 President Italian Kidney Foundation (FIR)

Honors, Awards and Grants
Cum Laude Medical School Diploma, 1986; R.H. "Mike" Mohrman Research Fellowship, Kidney Foundation
of Ohio, 1988-89; Italian Ministry of Public Education, Award 1988-1991; American Heart Association -
Northeast Ohio Affiliate, Research Fellowship 1989-90; Kidney Foundation of Ohio, Research Grant 1989-
90; "Young Investigator Scholarship" 22 July 1990, Tokyo, Japan; EDTA-ERA travel grant 1991, 1993, 1995;
Gambro Fellowship, Lund, Sweden 1991-92; EDTA-ERA Junior Award 1992; CNR-NATO Fellowship 1997;
NATO Collaborative Research grant; Baxter Extramural Grant, 1997-2000; Cassa di Risparmio di Puglia
Foundation, Research Grant 2004-2005; Ministry of Health, Research Grant 2002-2015; PRIN MIUR,
Research Grant 2002-2005; FIRB MIUR, Research Grant 2004-2008-2016; Remap (Erasmus+ KA grant:
2016-2018); Beat-DKD (IMI2, EU grant 2015-2020).
Membership: Italian Society of Nephrology; International Society of Nephrology; European Dialysis and
Transplant Association; American Society of Nephrology; Renal Pathology Society.
Publications: papers in PubMed more than 463 (Kidney International, New England Journal of Medicine,
Journal of American Society of Nephrology, Journal Clinical Investigation, Journal of Immunology, Blood,
Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol., Transplantation, Laboratory Investigation, Journal of Pathology, Journal of
Experimental Medicine, American Journal of Kidney Diseases, Journal of Nephrology); number of
communications to scientific meetings: more than 250; Books: 16. Total Impact Factor: more than 1500;
Google Scholar: Total Citations: more than 19000, H-score: 69. Scopus: Total Citations: more than 11.000,
H-score: 50. RG Score: 50.50.

Short report of my accomplishments
In this short report I would like to summarize my 30-year professional career from both the academic and
medical point of view. Since 1987 I have dedicated myself with passion and tenacity to research, training and
clinical practice. After spending three years at Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, US, from 1987
to 1990, training in the field of renal immunopathology as a Research Associate, I returned to Italy where, at
the University of Bari, I set up a research group that worked and produced scientific papers in the field of
molecular biology applied to renal biopsy to elucidate the pathogenesis of renal fibrosis (1991-1996). This
very fruitful period of my professional life has allowed me to be invited as a guest speaker to many national
and international meetings. What is more, in this period I was able to put in place a team of highly motivated
young researchers. As a visiting professor, in 1997-1998, I spent a training period at the University of
Pittsburgh where I developed considerable expertise in the field of kidney cancer immunotherapy and renal
transplant. Back to Italy, from 1999 to 2000 I continued my research work and clinical practice in Bari where I
kept on training PhD and medical students. In 2001, I was appointed Chief of the Division of Nephrology,
Dialysis and Transplantation Unit of the University of Foggia, Full Professor of Nephrology, and Coordinator
of the “Molecular Medicine” PhD Program of the Medical School of the University of Foggia (2004-2010) and
also Director of the Nephrology Resident Program of the Medical School of the University of Foggia, (2005-
2010). The 10 years I spent in Foggia were very productive and saw me involved in many academic
initiatives in my capacity as Prorector for Research and Chair of a Technological District. During the years in
question I founded the “Bioagromed” Research Center where many young researchers, PhDs and medical
students have received training in omics sciences. In 2010, I was back to the University of Bari, where I
currently serve as the Chief of the Division of Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation Unit, as well as
Coordinator of Regional Transplant Center (CRT) of Puglia and Dean of the Medical School of the
University of Bari.
I served as a Member of the Steering Committee of the Immunonephrology Working Group, ERA-EDTA
(2010-2015), and as a ERA-EDTA Council Member (2012-2015). I am currently President of Italian Society
of Nephrology (2016-pres) and Chairman of ERA-EDTA Committee for CME activities.
Many of the PhD and medical students trained under my supervision have now become independent
researchers. Over the last 30 years I have been either Coordinator or Principal Investigator of several
international, national and regional project grants (NATO, PRIN, FIRB, Ministry of Health, AIFA and EU
grants) collecting more than 20 million Euros. I have extensive research experience in renal disease, renal
transplantation and renal cancer immunology in relation to inflammatory response, renal fibrosis,
immunotherapy, regenerative medicine. My group has contributed to major developments in the field of renal
fibrosis. In addition to clinical nephrology, my research efforts are also focused on experimental models of
animal disease (IgA nephropathy). These studies allow us to explore the mechanisms underlying both
development and course of glomerular and interstitial inflammation in renal disease. My recent research
work aims to identify, by means of a “system biology” and a “Precision Medicine” approaches, biomarkers to
be used to enhance diagnosis, prognosis and therapeutic outcomes in several chronic kidney diseases
(renal transplant, diabetic nephropathy, IgA nephropathy, Membranous GN, ADPKD, Rare Diseases in
I have published more than 370 papers in PubMed, I have given more than 250 national and international
lectures and communications during scientific meetings, my total IF: >1,500; total Citations in Scopus
10.181; H-index: 50; and in Google Scholar total citations 14,525; h-index 60. I filed three patents and I
have been honored with several awards.
I am a member of the Editorial Board of “Giornale Italiano di Nefrologia”, “Journal of Nephrology”, “Internal
and Emergency Medicine”, “Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation”, “Journal of Proteomics Insights”.
I have served and still serve as a "peer reviewer" for the following journals: “Journal of the American Society
of Nephrology”; “Kidney International”; “Proteomics”; “Journal of Immunology”; “American Journal of Kidney
Diseases”; ”Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation”; ”Nephron”; ”Clinical Nephrology”; ”Journal of
Nephrology”; ”Internal and Emergency Medicine”, “PloS ONE”; ”Giornale Italiano di Nefrologia”.
I have several national and international collaborations in the United States, France and Germany. Finally, I
have organized many international meetings, including the International Summer School of Renal Pathology
(ISSRP), a two-week intensive program for practicing renal pathologists and nephrologists with an interest in
improving their knowledge and clinical diagnostic skills.

Opinion Leader in Nephrology. Excellent speaker, teacher and tutor. Excellent organizational and managerial
skills, as well as an aptitude for coordinating team work. Excellent human qualities, from generosity to team
spirit, contagious enthusiasm.

UNO Mattina, Mattino 5, Tutta Salute, Medicina 33, Storie Vere and many others local and regional TV.

Direct commitment to the establishment of a renal pathology center and a dialysis unit in Mbarara, Uganda.
Next mission in Spring 2019.

(DM 8 Agosto 2018, N. 589) Scopus parameters (April 2020)
06/D2-MED/14 number of articles
last 10 years
number of citations
last 15 years
H index
last 15 years
Threshold Full Professor 44 1178 18
Loreto Gesualdo 269 11366 43
Threshold Commissioner 76 2319 25
Loreto Gesualdo 269 11366 43
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Bari 23/11/2020

pubblicato il 23/10/2013 ultima modifica 07/01/2021

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