
The research activity has been focused for several years on the diagnosis and therapy of respiratory diseases, soft tissue surgery, oncological surgery, electrochemotherapy and the study of innovative oncological therapies in small animals

Prof Franchini has also been involved in surgery, anesthesia and diagnostics of sea turtles for years. Research is currently focused on all causes of pathologies related to human impact and in particular on the repair of serious traumas and on the management of injuries to the skull, carapace and limbs of sea turtles, on entanglement, and on the study of gas embolism following accidental trawling of these reptiles.

Prof Franchini has been collaborating since 2011 with the WWF for scientific research.

Thanks to a close collaboration with ENEA, she has been involved since 2010 in the study of innovative therapies for the treatment of serious and complicated wounds in all animal species (mammals, reptiles and birds).

pubblicato il 31/10/2013 ultima modifica 22/07/2023

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