

Talking Revolution: Edward Rushton’s Rebellious Poetics, 1782-1814. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2014. ISBN 978-1-78138-144-1

Slavery on Stage: Representations of Slavery in British Theatre, 1760s-1830s. Bari: Edizioni dal Sud, 2009. ISBN 88-7553-042-4

Drama on the Air: Introduzione al radiodramma inglese. Bari: B. A. Graphis, 1997. ISBN 88- 86864-12-4

Curatele di volumi e riviste

La Questione Romantica, n.s. vol. 7, n. 1-2 (2015). Special Issue: Edward Rushton’s Bicentenary. Co-ed. Greg Lynall [publ. 2017] ISSN 1125 - 0364

British Risorgimento II: Temperie politica e rappresentazioni simboliche. Co-ed. Annamaria Sportelli. Napoli: Liguori, 2013. ISBN 978-88-207-6321-3

Slavery: Histories, Fictions, Memory, 1760-2007. Napoli: Liguori, 2012. ISBN: 9788820759537

Poetic and Dramatic Forms in British Romanticism, with an Introduction by Annamaria Sportelli. Bari-Roma: Laterza – Università degli Studi di Bari: University Press Online, 2006. ISBN: 978-88-420-8245-3

Edizioni critiche

Manfred 1834: Byron’s Manfred on the London Stage. An Electronic Critical Edition with Related Texts [forthcoming 2024-5]

"Edward Rushton: Biographical Sketch" (1814). La Questione Romantica vol. 7 (2015), pp. 17-22, ISSN: 1125-0364

Saggi e articoli [in stampa/in preparazione]

"Cockney Imprint: The Liberal and Its Reception, 1822." Imprinting Anglo-Italian Relations in The Liberal. Ed. L. M. Crisafulli, S. Baiesi, C. Farese. Bern: Peter Lang [forthcoming 2023]

"Writing the Unspeakable: Labouring-Class Atlantic Crossings." La Questione Romantica vol. 15 (2023), ISSN: 1125-0364

 Saggi e articoli

"Soundscapes: Tempo, memoria, e performance. Il caso Sarah Siddons." Oltre la Diva: presenze femminili nel teatro musicale romantico, a c. di A. Annese e L. Mattei. Bari: Cacucci, 2023: 29-44. ISBN: 979-12-5965-200-3

"Between Stereotype and Sedition: Romantic-Era Geo-Histories of the Italian South on the London Stage." Textus XXXV, 3 (2022): 93-112. DOI: 10.7370/108381

"Hybridism, Visual Culture and the Pedagogy of Romantic Drama and Theatre." Status Quaestionis, vol. 23 (2022), pp. 249-264, ISSN: 2239-1983

"Frankenstein, Language Learning, and the 'Perplexities of the Rights of Man'". La Questione Romantica, vol. 14 (2022), pp. 61-71, ISSN: 1125-0364

“Radical Reversals: Commerce and Natural Rights in John Thelwall's Farce Inkle and Yarico, or Ingratitude Rewarded (1787).” In Portraits of Merchants: Multifocal Approaches to Money, Credit and the Market, A. Squeo, G. Falco eds. Lecce: Pensa Multimedia, 2022: 117-129. ISBN: 978-88-6760-923-9

Awarding the Peterloo Medal: The Radical Free Press and the Manchester Massacre, 1819-1821.” The Keats-Shelley Review 35, 2 (2021): 188-199.

"Acting bronze, acting black: Othello and the performance of race on the Romantic stage." La Questione Romantica 13, 1-2 (2021): 115-129. ISSN 1125 - 0364 

“Towards a Labouring Class Poetics: Recovering Edward Rushton” The Lost Romantics: Forgotten Poets, Neglected Works and One-Hit WondersEd. Norbert Lennartz. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020: 93-110. ISBN: 978-3-030-35546-3

"Translating Spaces: The Case of Paul and Virginia," in Romantic Dialectics: Culture, Gender, Theater, ed. Stuart Curran, Serena Baiesi. Bern: Peter Lang 2018: 203-218. ISBN: 978-3034331456

“Teaching the Illegitimate: A London Street Scene and Other Stratagems.” Romantic Textualities: Literature and Print Culture, 1780-1840 [ISSN 1748-0116]. Teaching Romanticism XXVIII: Drama, Part IV. Ed. Dana Van Kooy. 28.07.2018.

“Figure dell’assenza: Comunità e alienazione in Silas Marner.” L’assenza. Studi in ricordo di Silvano Sabbadini, a cura di Maristella Trulli. Lecce: Pensa Multimedia 2018: 269-281. ISBN: 978-88-6760-563-7.

“‘Behold in these Coromantees / The fate of an agonized world’: Edward Rushton’s Transnational Radicalism.” A History of British Working-Class Literature. Ed. John Goodridge, Bridget Keegan. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2017: 116-129. ISBN: 978-1-107-19040-5.

‘“Ever plain is the mantle, the hues ever deep”. Edward Rushton: Poetics and Politics’. La Questione Romantica, n.s. vol. 7, n. 1-2 (2015), Special Issue: Edward Rushton’s Bicentenary. Ed. Franca Dellarosa, Greg Lynall. [publ. 2017]: 25-43. ISSN 1125 - 0364

“Dramatic Discourse and the Romantic Stance in Joanna Baillie’s Theatre.” The Romantic Stage: A Many-sided Mirror. Ed. Lilla M. Crisafulli, Fabio Liberto. Amsterdam-New York: Rodopi, 2014: 227-243. ISBN: 978-9042039186

“‘All in silence mounts the lava’: Volcanic Imagery and Politics, 1820-1872”. British Risorgimento Volume II: Temperie politica e rappresentazioni simboliche. Ed. Franca Dellarosa, Annamaria Sportelli. Napoli: Liguori, 2013: 221-34. ISBN 978-88-207-6321-3

“Introduzione. British Risorgimento: categorie possibili, dinamiche storiche, linguaggi di rappresentazione.” British Risorgimento Volume II: Temperie politica e rappresentazioni simboliche, a c. di F. Dellarosa, A. Sportelli. Napoli: Liguori Editore, 2013: 1-14. ISBN 978-88-207-6321-3

“Identità, narrazione, storia: Michele Amari, Walter Scott”. Ed. Lilla Maria Crisafulli, British Risorgimento Volume I, L'unità d'Italia e la Gran Bretagna. Napoli: Liguori Editore, 2013: 71-80. ISBN 9788820763145

“Introduction: Restoring Legacies.” Slavery: Histories, Fictions, Memory, 1760-2007. Ed. Franca Dellarosa. Napoli: Liguori Editore, 2012: 1-15. ISBN: 9788820759537

“’Yet you are a slave-holder’: Washington, Rushton, Garrison, and the Transatlantic Tides of History.” Slavery: Histories, Fictions, Memory, 1760-2007. Ed. Franca Dellarosa. Napoli: Liguori, 2012: 75-91. ISBN: 788820759537

“‘Cast Britannia, Britannia cast away (Thy shame)’: schiavitù e (dis)onore della nazione nel teatro dell’età romantica.” Teatro romantico europeo e identità nazionale. Ed. Lilla M. Crisafulli, Annamaria Sportelli. Napoli: Liguori Editore, 2012: 125-143. ISBN: 978-88-207- 5597-3

“‘Connecting across Centuries’: Memory, Displacement, and Exile in Caryl Phillips' Stage Plays.” Challenges for the 21st Century: Dilemmas, Ambiguities, Directions. Ed. Richard Ambrosini, Rosa Colombo, Alessandra Contenti, Daniela Corona, Lilla M. Crisafulli, Franca Ruggieri. Vol. 1, Roma: Edizioni E/O, 2011: 267-274. ISBN: 978-88- 903969-8-4

“'To know the name of things': George Eliot, Recollections of Ilfracombe, 1856.” De claris mulieribus. Figure e storie femminili nella tradizione europea. Ed. Laura Bandiera, Diego Saglia. Parma: Monte Università Parma Editore, 2011: 249-267. ISBN: 978-88-7847-369-0

“Dramatic Theory and Criticism in Elizabeth Inchbald’s Remarks on The British Theatre.” Women’s Romantic Theatre and Drama: History, Agency, and Performance. Ed. Lilla M. Crisafulli, Keir Elam. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2010: 147-158. ISBN: 978-0-7546-5577-0

“‘Thank you my Massas! Have you laugh your fill?’ Acting out Racial Conflict in Theatrical Limina.” Emancipation, Liberation, and Freedom: Romantic Drama and Theatre in Britain, 1760-1830. Ed. Gioia Angeletti. Parma: Monte Università Parma Editore, 2010: 37-57. ISBN: 978-88- 7847-319-5

“Costruire la rivoluzione (del Sud): Toussaint L'Ouverture e l'insurrezione di Haiti nell'età romantica.” L'invenzione del Sud. Migrazioni, condizioni postcoloniali, linguaggi letterari. Ed. B. Brunetti, R. De Robertis. Bari: B. A. Graphis, 2009: 61-85. ISBN: 9789876010559

“Re-Constructing Toussaint in the Romantic Era: History, Agency and the Haitian Revolution (1791-1804).” (Re)Figuring Human Enslavement: Images of Power, Violence and Resistance. Ed. U. Pallua, A. Knapp, A. Exenberger. Innsbruck: Innsbruck University Press, 2009: 67-83. ISBN: 978-3-902719-09-6

"Darkness at 'the Heart of the Solar World': Commodity as Vision and Obeah in Benjamin Moseley's Treatise on Sugar (1799)". Forms of Migration/Migration of Forms. Vol. II. Ed. V. Intonti, F. Troisi, M. Vitale. Bari: Progedit, 2009: 374-83. ISBN: 978-88-6194-056- 7

“No fear Jack's Obi-Bag': a Cross-Atlantic Hybrid for the British Stage.” Literary and Cultural Intersections during the Long Eighteenth Century. Ed. Marianna D'Ezio. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2008: 145-166. ISBN: 1-4438-0063-5

“Questioning the ‘Enterprising Spirit of the People’: Abolitionist Poetry in Liverpool, 1784-1788.” La Questione Romantica 18-19/2005 (2008): 17-32. ISSN: 1125-0364

“Preface: On Romantic Drama and Genres.” Poetic and Dramatic Forms in British Romanticism, with an Introduction by Annamaria Sportelli. Ed. Franca Dellarosa. Roma-Bari: Università di Bari - Editori Laterza University Press on-line, 2006: xiii-xxix. ISBN: 978-88-420-8245-3

“‘Ye will discern mist and mystery at last’: The Gothic Laid Bare in Joanna’s Baillie’s Witchcraft.” Poetic and Dramatic Forms in British Romanticism, with an Introduction by Annamaria Sportelli. Ed. Franca Dellarosa. Roma- Bari: Università di Bari - Editori Laterza University Press on-line, 2006: 99-116. ISBN: 978-88-420-8245-3

“Reading for the Nights: Echoes of the Arabian Nights Entertainments in the Romantic Era.” Poetic and Dramatic Forms in British Romanticism, with an Introduction by Annamaria Sportelli. Ed. Franca Dellarosa. Roma-Bari: Università di Bari - Editori Laterza - University Press on-line, 2006: 159-174. ISBN: 978-88-420-8245-3

“Cultural and Literary Perspectives.” Cross-cultural Perspectives: Texts in English on Law, Politics, Society, Economics, Culture and Literature. Ed. Annamaria Sportelli, Christopher Williams. Bari: B.A. Graphis, 2003: 369- 525. ISBN: 9788886864879

“Review” of Lilla M. Crisafulli, La realtà del desiderio. Saggi morali, teoria estetica e prosa politica di P. B. Shelley,, La Questione Romantica 9 (2000): 213-215. ISSN: 1125-0364

 “Subversive Form and Meaning in A High Wind in Jamaica.” Welsh Writing in English: A Yearbook of Critical Studies 2 (Spring 1996): 49-61. ISSN: 1356-0301

“Una storia di mare: In Hazard di Richard Hughes.” Merope 7.15 (1995): 149-172. ISSN: 1121-0613

“The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Runner: Un’ipotesi di lettura.” Contesti  1 (1988): 13-26. ISSN: 1126-2133

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pubblicato il 08/10/2022 ultima modifica 28/12/2023