
Current Academic Position: Associate Professor of Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases of Animals, SSD VET/06 - 07/H3, at the Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Bari.

Professional qualification: Degree in Biological Sciences, from the University of Bari (1987). PhD (1993) and Post-doctorate (1994) in "Inspection of food of animal origin", Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Bari. Researcher SSD VET/06, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Bari (2004-2015). Attendance of "Medical Mycology" Course at The Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures (CBS Fungal Biodiversity Centre), Utrecht, The Netherlands (2011). National Scientific Qualification as Full Professor, Sector 07 / H3-Infectious and Parasitic Diseases of Animals. Ministry for Education, University and Research (2018). Attendance of the online course on microscopic and histological diagnosis of fungal infections,Leading International Fungal Education, The University of Manchester (2020).

Academic assignments: Supervisor of Mycology laboratory, Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Bari (from1996); Member of the Scientific Committee of Specialization Courses in "Infectious Diseases, Prophylaxis and Veterinary Police" (from 2015), and of the School of Specialization in “Hygiene and Inspection of Food Animal Origin” (from 2011), University of Bari, Italy; Member of the Scientific Committee of the PhD course in “Animal Health and Pathology” (2008-2011) and PhD course in “Animal Health and Zoonosis” (from 2011), University of Bari, Italy; Member of the following Commissions of the  Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Bari, Italy; Teaching Performance Assessment Commission (2008-2013); Tender Evaluation and Contract Award Commission (from 2014); Commission of public administration and simplification (from 2015).

Teaching activities: In charge of the courses of Veterinary Mycology at Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Bari, Italy. “Mycology” (CFU 3) at Veterinary Medicine course (LM42); "Applied mycology" (CFU 3) at "Hygiene and safety of animal products” course (LM 86), “Veterinary mycology" (CFU 3) at "Animal Science and Food Production" course; “Mycology and fungal Diseases" (CFU 10) at School of Specialization in "Infectious Diseases, Prophylaxis and Veterinary Police"; “Fungi in food transformation processes” (CFU 2) and “Moulds and yeasts in food of animal origin” (CFU 2) at the School of Specialization in “Inspection of food of animal origin”. Member of Scientific Committee of the PhD course in "Animal Pathology and Health", University of Bari Supervisor for degree, Phd and specializations theses.

Other: Lecturer at courses, masters, seminars organized by Professional Orders, University and Puglia Region. Responsible and Component of research projects admitted for funding on the basis of competitive calls. Member of the ISHAM- Veterinary Mycology Working Group and of the ISHAM Working Group on Malassezia epidemiology and pathobiology. Member of the Board of Federation of Human and Animal Mycopathology (FIMUA, years 2010-2014).The professional and scientific activity is aimed in studying fungi of veterinary and zoonotic concern.

Scientific activity consists of an overall production of 202 scientific articles in international and national journals; 90 contributions in international / national conference; 6 book chapters, 1 Book Author “Micologia veterinaria e comparata”  with ISBN.  HI=28; numero di citazioni 2457 (Scopus).

She obtained a patent for industrial invention N. 102019000018065 (Ministero Dello Sviluppo Economico: Ufficio Italiano Brevetti E Marchi) (2020).

pubblicato il 31/10/2013 ultima modifica 27/03/2023

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