
Main research fields:

The research activity is focused on bacterial infectious disease of domestic animals, with particular emphasis on those that have an economic impact on livestock productivity and/or are responsible for zoonoses. These studies involve: 1) contagious agalactiae of sheep (pathogenesis, diagnosis and prophylaxis); 2) Bovine Tuberculosis (validation of new diagnostic tests); 3) Mycobacterium avium subs. paratuberculosis infection in bovine (validation of diagnostic systems); 4) Epidemiological study of Congo Cremean Haemorrhagic Fever in Italy; as a tick-borne disease, our interest is focused about the biological vector and the risk of infection to human.


Main scientific collaborations:

  • Microbiology Unit, Facolty of Veterinary Medicine, Tirana University, Albania.


Membership in professional societies:

  • National Association of Veterinary Infectivologists (A.N.I.V.).

Azioni sul documento

pubblicato il 31/10/2013 ultima modifica 09/08/2023