

  • Full Professor of Infectious Diseases of Domestic Animals at the Department of Veterinary Medicine.
  • Director of Infection Disease Division, Department of Veterinary Medicine.
  • Teacher of "Bacterial Diseases of Domestic Animals" at the Veterinary Medicine course degree LM42.
  • Teacher of "Infectious diseases of Ruminants" at the Post-graduate School of Infectious Diseases of Animals.
  • Teacher  of "Applied Microbiology" at the Food Safety and infectious zoonosis course degree LM86.
  • Teacher of "Infectious zoonoses" at the PHD course in Animals Health and Zoonosis
    Currently Full Professor of Infectious Diseases of animals (VET 05);
    Department of Veterinary Medicine (DiMeV), University of Bari "Aldo Moro"
    e-mail:; phone: +390804679818
    Place and DOB: Acerenza(Pz), Italy, April 19, 1959.


2000 Full Professor of infectious diseases of animals;
1998 Associate Professor of Infectious diseases of animals;
1993 Researcher of Infectious Disease of Animals;
1990 Degree in Veterinary Medicine with thesis:"Isolation of Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) in cats"
1983 Technology Researcher.

from 1999 to 2003 COORDINATOR of Infectious Diseases Unit, Veterinary Faculty, University of Messina;
from 1999 to 2003 VICE-DIRECTOR OF DEPARTMENT of Pathology, Infectious Diseases, Parasitology and Food safety, University of Messina;
from 1999 to 2001 COORDINATOR OF PhD COURSE "Biotechnological Diagnostics applied at the transmissible diseases of animals", University of Messina;
from 2001 to 2003 COORDINATOR OF PhD COURSE "Infectious Pathology of sheep and goats", University of Messina;
from 2010 today: COORDINATOR of Infectious Disease Unit, Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Bari;
from 2014 to 2021: DIRECTOR of Post-graduated Specialization School in "Infectious Disease of Animals", University of Bari;

1999 - 2000 - 2001 - 2002 years: SCIENTIFIC COORDINATOR of the “Research projects for University of Messina”;
2000: SCIENTIFIC COORDINATOR of a Research Unit of PRIN project of the MURST Ministry: Infectious Pathology of Carnivores”;
2002: SCIENTIFIC COORDINATOR of a Research Unit of PRIN project of the MURST Ministry: Infectious Pathology of Carnivores”;
2003-2004: SCIENTIFIC COORDINATOR of a Research Unit of Ricerca Corrente project”, Ministry of Health: “Develop of an oil-adjuvant vaccine to protect sheep against Mycoplasma agalactiae infection”;
2005: SCIENTIFIC COORDINATOR of a Research Unit of Ricerca Corrente project of the Ministry of Health:"Immunogenicity and protection induced in sheep by an oil adjuvant vaccine against Mycoplasma agalactiae infection”;
2004 - 2005 - 2006 - 2007 years: SCIENTIFIC COORDINATOR of the “Research projects for University of Bari”;
from 2005 to 2007: SCIENTIFIC COORDINATOR of the project for Scientific Exchange of Researchers between Italy and Albania, funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
2006: SCIENTIFIC COORDINATOR of a Research Unit in the Ricerca Finalizzata project, funded by the Ministry of Health: ”New technologies applied at the diagnostics control of transmissible diseases of animals (DIAG-NOVA)"
2006: SCIENTIFIC COORDINATOR of a Research Unit in the POR 2000/2006 project, funded by Puglia Region:"Production of phytocomplexes using FSC and evaluation of immunostimulating activity in larvae and farmed fish subject to acquaculture”;
from 2008 to 2010: SCIENTIFIC COORDINATOR of the project for Scientific Exchange of Researchers between Italy and Albania, funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
from 2011 to 2014: SCIENTIFIC COORDINATOR of the project for Scientific Exchange of Researchers between Italy and Albania, funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;

from 1998 to 2003: Teacher of VET 05 SSD, Faculty of Veterinar Medicine, University of Messina;
from 1998 to 2003: Teacher of VET 05 SSD, Post-Graduated Specialization School in "Bovine Clinic", "Animal Health", "Avian Pathology" "Food Control", University of Messina.
from 2011-Today: Teacher of Bacterials Infectious Disease, Veterinari Medicine cause degree LM42, Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Bari;
from 2003-Today: Teacher of Infectious Diseases of Ruminants, Post-Graduated Specialization School of Animals Infectious Diseases, University of Bari;
2003-2004: Teacher of Marine Microbiology, Degree Course in Aquaculture, Mariculture and Fishing Products, University of Bari;
from 2004 to 2011: Teacher of Dog and Cat Infectious Diseases Prophylaxis, Degree Course of Breeding Sciences, Hygiene and Well-Being of Dog and Cat, University of Bari;

from 2023: Teacher of Applied Microbiology at the Food Safety and infectious zoonosis course degree LM86, University of Bari;

fron 2028 today:Teacher of "Infectious zoonoses" at the PHD course in Animals Health and Zoonosis.

CO-AUTHOR of 250 scientific publications;

h-INDEX: 24;


pubblicato il 11/08/2023 ultima modifica 11/08/2023

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