Main research fields:
The research activity is focused on viral agents of domestic animals, with particular emphasis on those that have an economic impact on livestock productivity, are responsible for zoonoses or can serve as animal models for human infections. These studies involve viruses of carnivores (parvoviruses, coronaviruses, morbilliviruses) and ruminants (pestiviruses, coronaviruses), as well as viral agents with direct and indirect zoonotic potential (astroviruses, uncultivable caliciviruses, rotaviruses, enteroviruses). Molecular surveillance of viral infections, development of innovative diagnostic assays and vaccines and antiviral therapy are objectives of this research.
Research projects:
- “Pestivirus of ruminants: emerging viruses, diagnostic and prophylactic features”, National research program (PRIN) 2010-11, Italian Ministry of University and Research. Scientific coordinator (2012-2016).
- “Biosciences & Health (B&H)”. Programma Operativo Nazionale (PON) “Ricerca e Competitività” 2007-2013 – Regioni Convergenza – Codice: PONa3_00134 – Obiettivo Operativo “Potenziamento delle Strutture e delle Dotazioni Scientifiche e Tecnologiche – Azione “Rafforzamento Strutturale”. Research Unit (2012-2015).
- ”Biotechnological systems to control and manage canine populations”. Ricerca corrente 2011 Ministero della Salute (ente capofila Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale di Abruzzo e Molise). Research Unit (2012-2015).
- “MicroMap – Development of a multiplex biotechnological platform for a molecular diagnosis based on Lab-on-chip technology, useful for multiparametric applications in the field of infectious diseases”. Programma Operativo Nazionale (PON) “ Ricerca e Competitività” 2007-2013 – Regioni Convergenza – Codice: PON01_02589/1 – Obiettivo Operativo “Aree scientifico-tecnologiche generatrici di processi di trasformazione del sistema produttivo e creatrici di nuovi settori – Azione “Interventi di sostegno della ricerca industriale”. Research Unit (2011-2015).
- “Genetic and pathogenetic evolution of coronaviruses: the model canine coronavirus”. National research program (PRIN) 2008 – Italian Ministry of University and Research. Scientific coordinator (2010-2012).
Main scientific collaborations:
- Virology Unit, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht University, the Netherlands.
- Virology Unit, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Giessen University, Germany.
- Virology Unit, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Liege University, Belgium.
Editorial appointments:
- Editor in chief of The Open Virology Journal (2012-2015).
Membership in professional societies:
- National Association of Veterinary Infectivologists (A.N.I.V.).