Information for Erasmus students

The course and the learning materials will be provided only in Italian. However, for the Erasmus students will be possible to take the exam in English.

For the preparation of the exam, these additional books are suggested (especially if the student decides to take the exam in English):

  • Guilding C., Accounting Essentials for Hospitality Managers, Routledge, 2014 (third edition), Chapters 1-2, from 5 to 12, and 16
  • Chong D., Arts management, Routledge, 2010 (second edition), Chapters 1-3
  • Van Der Wagen L., Carlos B.R., Event management for tourism, cultural, business, and sporting events, Pearson, 2005, Chapters 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 13, 17

The teacher will be available during his tutoring for more clarifications about the program and the exam.

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pubblicato il 24/04/2023 ultima modifica 24/04/2023