
SPYWATCH - Summer School "PhYsiology and Biophysics of Water and Ion Channels"

Director - Committees - Contacts

START GAME - Summer School "Training on Assisted Reproductive Tecnologies with Germ cells of Animal ModEls" - a.a. 2021/2022

Summer School Director

Prof.ssa Maria Elena Dell'Aquila

Professore ordinario VET/10 Clinica ostetrica e ginecologia veterinaria



Prof. Luigi Palmieri  (Director of the Dept of Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biopharmaceutics)


Scientific Committee

Prof.ssa Maria Elena Dell'Aquila (Director of the Summer School)

Dr. Nicola Antonio Martino

Dott.ssa  Antonella  Mastrorocco





pubblicato il 26/03/2018 ultima modifica 13/06/2022

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