



Principali pubblicazioni / Main publications (Scopus):

Carlucci, D., Roselli, L., Giannoccaro, G., Cavallo, C., Del Giudice, T., Vecchio, R., . . . De Gennaro, B. C. (2023). Consumer acceptance of innovations in traditional foods: The case of extra-virgin olive oil. British Food Journal, 125(1), 1-17. doi:10.1108/BFJ-05-2021-0570

Stempfle, S., Roselli, L., Carlucci, D., Leone, A., de Gennaro, B. C., & Giannoccaro, G. (2022). Toward the circular economy into the olive oil supply chain: A case study analysis of a vertically integrated firm. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 6 doi:10.3389/fsufs.2022.1005604

Giannoccaro, G., Roselli, L., Sardaro, R., & de Gennaro, B. C. (2022). Design of an incentive-based tool for effective water saving policy in agriculture. Agricultural Water Management, 272, 107866, doi:10.1016/j.agwat.2022.107866

Stempfle, S., Carlucci, D., de Gennaro, B. C., Roselli, L., & Giannoccaro, G. (2021). Available pathways for operationalizing circular economy into the olive oil supply chain: Mapping evidence from a scoping literature review. Sustainability (Switzerland), 13(17) doi:10.3390/su13179789

De Gennaro, B. C., Roselli, L., Bimbo, F., Carlucci, D., Cavallo, C., Cicia, G., . . . Vecchio, R. (2021). Do italian consumers value health claims on extra-virgin olive oil? Journal of Functional Foods, 81 doi:10.1016/j.jff.2021.104461

 Lombardi, A., Carlucci, D., Cavallo, C., De Gennaro, B., Del Giudice, T., Giannoccaro, G., Paparella, A., Roselli, L., Vecchio, R., Cicia, G. (2021). Do consumers understand health claims on extra-virgin olive oil? Food Research International, 143 doi:10.1016/j.foodres.2021.110267

 Muñoz, E. F. P., Niederle, P. A., de Gennaro, B. C., & Roselli, L. (2021). Agri‐food markets towards agroecology: Tensions and compromises faced by small‐scale farmers in brazil and chile. Sustainability (Switzerland), 13(6) doi:10.3390/su13063096

 Roselli, L., Cicia, G., Del Giudice, T., Cavallo, C., Vecchio, R., Carfora, V., . . . De Gennaro, B. (2020). Testing consumers’ acceptance for an extra-virgin olive oil with a naturally increased content in polyphenols: The case of ultrasounds extraction. Journal of Functional Foods, 69 doi:10.1016/j.jff.2020.103940

Cavallo, C., Carlucci, D., Carfora, V., Caso, D., Cicia, G., Clodoveo, M. L., . . . De Gennaro, B. (2020). Innovation in traditional foods: A laboratory experiment on consumers’ acceptance of extra-virgin olive oil extracted through ultrasounds. NJAS - Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences, 92 doi:10.1016/j.njas.2020.100336

Giannoccaro, G., Sardaro, R., de Vito, R., Roselli, L., & de Gennaro, B. C. (2020). Politiche di gestione della risorsa idrica sotterranea a fini irrigui. Analisi delle preferenze degli agricoltori. Economia agro-alimentare/Food Economy-Open Access, 22(2) doi:10.3280/ecag2-2020oa10409

Bimbo, F., Roselli, L., Carlucci, D., & de Gennaro, B. C. (2020). Consumer misuse of country-of-origin label: Insights from the italian extra-virgin olive oil market. Nutrients, 12(7), 1-12. doi:10.3390/nu12072150

Roselli, L., Casieri, A., de Gennaro, B. C., Sardaro, R., & Russo, G. (2020). Environmental and economic sustainability of table grape production in italy. Sustainability (Switzerland), 12(9) doi:10.3390/su12093670

Rover, O. J., da Silva Pugas, A., De Gennaro, B. C., Vittori, F., & Roselli, L. (2020). Conventionalization of organic agriculture: A multiple case study analysis in brazil and italy. Sustainability (Switzerland), 12(16) doi:10.3390/su12166580

Sardaro, R., La Sala, P., & Roselli, L. (2020). How does the land market capitalize environmental, historical and cultural components in rural areas? evidences from italy. Journal of Environmental Management, 269 doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2020.110776

Giannoccaro, G., Carlucci, D., Sardaro, R., Roselli, L., & De Gennaro, B. C. (2019). Assessing consumer preferences for organic vs eco-labelled olive oils. Organic Agriculture, 9(4), 483-494. doi:10.1007/s13165-019-00245-7

Sardaro, R., Roselli, L., Grittani, R., Scrascia, M., Pazzani, C., Russo, V., . . . Porcelli, F. (2019). Community preferences for the preservation of canary palm from red palm weevil in the city of bari. Arab Journal of Plant Protection, 37(2), 206-211. doi:10.22268/AJPP-037.2.206211

Sardaro, R., Faccilongo, N., & Roselli, L. (2019). Wind farms, farmland occupation and compensation: Evidences from landowners’ preferences through a stated choice survey in italy. Energy Policy, 133 doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2019.110885

Roselli, L., Carlucci, D., Rover, O. J., & De Gennaro, B. (2018). The effects of extrinsic cues on olive oil price in brazil. Journal of International Food and Agribusiness Marketing, 30(1), 70-87. doi:10.1080/08974438.2017.1387883

Roselli, L., Cicia, G., Cavallo, C., Del Giudice, T., Carlucci, D., Clodoveo, M. L., & De Gennaro, B. C. (2018). Consumers’ willingness to buy innovative traditional food products: The case of extra-virgin olive oil extracted by ultrasound. Food Research International, 108, 482-490. doi:10.1016/j.foodres.2018.03.070

Roselli, L., Giannoccaro, G., Carlucci, D., & De Gennaro, B. (2018). EU quality labels in the italian olive oil market: How much overlap is there between geographical indication and organic production? Journal of Food Products Marketing, 24(6), 784-801. doi:10.1080/10454446.2017.1413473

Roselli, L., Clodoveo, M. L., Corbo, F., & De Gennaro, B. (2017). Are health claims a useful tool to segment the category of extra-virgin olive oil? threats and opportunities for the italian olive oil supply chain. Trends in Food Science and Technology, 68, 176-181. doi:10.1016/j.tifs.2017.08.008

Rover, O. J., de Gennaro, B. C., & Roselli, L. (2017). Social innovation and sustainable rural development: The case of a brazilian agroecology network. Sustainability (Switzerland), 9(1) doi:10.3390/su9010003

Roselli, L., Carlucci, D., & De Gennaro, B. C. (2016). What is the value of extrinsic olive oil cues in emerging markets? empirical evidence from the U.S. E-commerce retail market. Agribusiness, 32(3), 329-342. doi:10.1002/agr.21454

Carlucci, D., De Gennaro, B., & Roselli, L. (2016). What is the value of bottled water? empirical evidence from the italian retail market. Water Resources and Economics, 15, 57-66. doi:10.1016/j.wre.2016.07.001

Carlucci, D., De Gennaro, B., Roselli, L., & Seccia, A. (2014). E-commerce retail of extra virgin olive oil: An hedonic analysis of italian smes supply. British Food Journal, 116(10), 1600-1617. doi:10.1108/BFJ-05-2013-0138

Clodoveo, M. L., Camposeo, S., De Gennaro, B., Pascuzzi, S., & Roselli, L. (2014). In the ancient world, virgin olive oil was called "liquid gold" by homer and "the great healer" by hippocrates. why has this mythic image been forgotten? Food Research International, 62, 1062-1068. doi:10.1016/j.foodres.2014.05.034

De Gennaro, B., Notarnicola, B., Roselli, L., & Tassielli, G. (2012). Innovative olive-growing models: An environmental and economic assessment. Journal of Cleaner Production, 28, 70-80. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2011.11.004

Casieri, A., Nazzaro, C., & Roselli, L. (2010). Trust building and social capital as development policy tools in rural areas. an empirical analysis: The case of the LAG CDNISAT. New Medit, 9(1), 24-30.

Roselli, L., Gennaro, B. D., Cimino, O., & Medicamento, U. (2009). The effects of the health check of the common agricultural policy on italian olive tree farming. New Medit, 8(2), 4-14.


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pubblicato il 30/01/2012 ultima modifica 09/05/2022