Teaching activity
Il Dipartimento è stato disattivato con D.R. n. 3403 del 22.09.2022
Tutte le attività didattiche, di ricerca e di terza missione proseguono regolarmente
nella disponibilità del Dipartimento di Scienze del Suolo, della Pianta e degli Alimenti (DISSPA)
The link to the new website is:
The PhD student will acquire 14 European Credits Transfer System (ECTS) through the attendance of courses, which are structured and compulsory for all participants. Furthermore, the student may acquire additional 6 University Credits (CFU), of their choice, by participating in seminars and short courses, or by attending a master's degree course on topics related to the doctorate program.
Common Training Activities
The Training activities will be divided as follows:
Language: it will aim at improving the written and oral competences on English language to write and translate different texts of scientific research. Functions and meanings of syntactic forms characteristic of scientific writing and academic speeches will be also explored.
Information Technology: aiming at consolidating the preparation of PhD students in the application of information technologies, with reference to data processing. The PhD student will acquire the skills to identify appropriate strategies to analyze and interpret data using statistical computer applications.
Management of research, knowledge of research systems, and funding systems: with this activity, the PhD student should acquire knowledge and skills necessary for the acquisition and the management of research resources.
Enhancement of research results and intellectual property: with this activity the PhD student should acquire the necessary knowledge and skills on how to write a scientific paper and how to present results to a qualified audience. The training will also include notions on patenting and related economic enhancement.