Foreign Students


Eligibility assessment for the Master's degree in Physics closes on April 26th, 2024. Eligibility requests after this date will not be considered.


Admission to the Master’s Degree Course in Physics is unrestricted (no admission test), provided the following requirements are met.
Students must:
  1. have completed a Class LT-30 degree (D.M. 270/2004) or Class 25 (D.M. 509/1999) or have an equivalent foreign qualification; 
  1. have achieved a minimum number of credits (ECTS) in the basic courses and characterization activities as specified below: 18 ECTS in MAT/05, 5 in CHIM/03, 45 in FIS/01, 20 in FIS/02, 6 in FIS/03, 6 in FIS/ 04 (if requirement 1 is not met); 
  1. have an internationally recognized certificate of English language proficiency (European level B2 minimum). If no appropriate certificate of language is provided, the Council will verify the student’s language skills prior to his/her admission. The English proficiency requirement (an internationally recognized certificate, level B2 minimum) must be met prior to the final exam. 
Additionally, the Master’s Degree programme requires:
  1. adequate knowledge of the Mathematical Analysis, Geometry and Linear Algebra as well as of General Chemistry;
  2. in-depth knowledge of Classical Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Electromagnetism and Optics;
  3. adequate knowledge of experimental techniques and theoretical approaches in Classical and Modern Physics;
  4. adequate knowledge of basic analog electronics;
  5. adequate knowledge of Relativity, Quantum Mechanics and Mathematical Methods as well as of Statistical Mechanics;
  6. ability in computing. 
In special cases, the Council may restrict the student’s admission to specific curricula/majors only. 


Students who transfer between Degree Courses and/or Universities, as well as students who have attended learning activities offered by other Italian or foreign Universities, can apply to the Council to have previously acquired credits (ECTS) recognized. As a general rule, the Council guarantees the recognition of the maximum possible number of credits, organizing oral interviews for verification of competencies where necessary.  Students who already have a degree released by another Italian or foreign University can also apply to the Council for Credit recognition and study course abbreviation.
At least 50% of the number of credits obtained in the same scientific sector (SSD) by students who transfer between Degree Courses within the same class will be recognized.
Credits obtained by attending an online Degree Course will be recognized only if the Course is mentioned in the Ministry Regulations art.2, para. 148, of Decree Law 3 October 2006, n.262, converted into Law 24 November 2006, n.286.
Credits that are not recognized by the Council are registered in the student career record for further academic purposes.
Credits obtained in courses that are not included in the study plan can be used to complete the elective courses. The Council can approve the admission to the second year if the number of recognized credits is greater than 38. 


The Master’s Degree Course Physics is organized in three scientific curricula/majors:
  • Theoretical Physics and Complex systems;
  • Particle, Astro-particle Physics and Advanced technologies;
  • Condensed matter Physics and Photonics. 
Each study plan includes compulsory and elective courses. Details can be found here


Each course corresponds to a certain number of credits (ECTS/CFU). Each credit is equivalent to 25 hours, as detailed below:

Learning activity


(With professor)


In class Lectures



In class Exercises



Laboratory Activities



Final thesis




Credits are only awarded when a course has been completed and the relative exam or test has been passed.
Attendance is strongly recommended for all courses. It is mandatory for laboratory courses. Attendance can be validated if students have attended at least two thirds of the course. 


Students are required to pass an exam for every course included in their study plan.
Italian Universities use a 30-grade scale: the minimum passing grade is 18/30 and the maximum grade is 30/30 cum laude. 

Students are strongly encouraged to take the exams according to the sequence specified in the Study Plan. Students must have passed the exams of the course(s) held in the first semester of the first year belonging to the same SSD before they can be admitted to any other exams in the same SSD (see the Study Plan for details). 


The Council suggests a list of elective courses. Students can also select different courses among those offered by the University of Bari. In accordance with art. 10 DM 270/2004, each student’s choice of electives is subject to formal approval by the Council that will verify the coherence with the overall study plan. In cases where students collect more credits than required, the extra credits will be registered in the student career record for further academic purposes and the related scores will not be taken into account for the evaluation of the final grade.
Students may also propose alternative study plans provided they are coherent with the learning objectives of the Master’s Degree Course and compliant with law and with the University Didactic Regulations. 


The training activities are organized in two semesters, devoted exclusively to lessons, exercises and to laboratory activities, followed by a period dedicated to examinations.
The first semester begins on September 18th and ends on December 22th, 2023. The first exam period begins on January 8th, 2024, and ends March 1st, 2024 and includes four exam sessions.
The second semester begins on March 4th 2024 and ends on June 7th 2024. The second exam period begins on June 10th, 2024, and ends on September 13th, 2024 and includes four exam sessions.


Foreign Students - UNIBA

pubblicato il 24/11/2022 ultima modifica 03/04/2024

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