Opportunities in Dialogue Interaction at Aeolus Robotics

Aeolus Robotics, Inc. is a startup company building an ambitious, general-purpose home-robot. The first applications will be “fetch” and cleaning tasks. We are looking for 1-2 people with expertise in speech and dialogue interaction, which can be junior or senior personnel. We are open to consulting arrangements and collaborations.

The Aeolus robot is wheeled, with a single arm and a dexterous manipulator. It will plan and execute tasks primarily on visual information, using a LIDAR and multiple RGB-D sensors. The dynamic, and uncontrolled nature of home environments shapes the technology the company plans to employ.

Aeolus is specifically seeking expertise in the following areas:
● Slot-filling dialogue interactions surrounding robot commands, especially the use of emerging tools for rapidly constructing such systems.
● Extended dialogue interaction over durative actions and plans, including commands, clarifications, re-tasking, explanations, interrogatives, and status reports.

Candidates for senior leadership positions should have a PhD in a relevant area, and significant experience in both designing solutions, and directing a team to implement them. Recruiting their team is also a job opportunity/role.

Candidates for developer positions should have an MS or PhD, and experience building significant dialogue systems.

Aeolus is a deeply distributed company, with contributors in Poland, the UK, China, and the US, among others. There would be an opportunity to work remotely, or in the San Francisco Bay Area. Salaries are commensurate with expertise, and competitive by region.

Please send inquiries, to Dr. Daniel Shapiro () , with a resume/CV attached.

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pubblicato il 13/03/2017 ultima modifica 13/03/2017