Progetti finanziati

triangolo grigioAGE-IT - AIIT 4Th International Conference – Greening the Way Forward: Sustainable Transport Infrastructure and System – 19-20 Settembre 2024- Referente Prof.ssa E. Venezia

triangolo grigioGrowing Resilient, INclusive and Sustainable - GRINS - PNRR

triangolo grigioMulti Risk Science for Resilient Communities Under a Changing Climate -  RETURN - PNRR

triangolo grigioEffetti Distributivi delle Infrastrutture dei Trasporti in favore della Popolazione Anziana - AGE-IT - PNRR - International Workshop 11 Ottobre 2024 - Referente Prof. E. Venezia

triangolo grigioERC SEEDS UNIBA - European Research Council (ERC) - Innovation in the Documentation and Representation of Goods in the Agri Food Chain - Giovanna Ginex

triangolo grigioERC SEEDS UNIBA - European Research Council (ERC) - Equalizing opportunities in school choice - Domenico Moramarco

triangolo grigioERC SEEDS UNIBA - European Research Council (ERC) - From crisis to resilience: A novel approach to Climate-Related Financial Risk - Matteo Foglia

triangolo grigioHORIZON EUROPE SEEDS - Digitalizzazione e automazione: utilizzi ed effetti delle nuove tecnologie sul lavoro

triangolo grigioHorizon Europe - The Role of Industrial Relations and Social Dialogue in Supporting Young People's Employment and Social Inclusion at an Urban Level - BACK IN TOWN

triangolo grigioErasmus+ KA2 - REACCT - Reflecting Economics And Climate Change in Teaching

triangolo grigioErasmus+ KA2 - ET-CASE - Education Towards Circular and Sustainable Economy

triangolo grigioExCORE - International Centre of Research Excellence in Transition of Coal Regions - Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange - NAWA

triangolo grigioPOR PUGLIA FESR-FSE 2014-2020 - Cantieri Antimafia Sociale - "Comunità Disegnano insieme coscienze e conoscenze responsabili"

triangolo grigioPrin Mur - Stochastic models and techniques for the management of wind farms and power systems

triangolo grigioPrin Mur - Reconciling effeciency and equity in the Italian healthcare system after the pandemic crisis

triangolo grigioPrin Mur - Violence against women: modelling misreported information in social data

triangolo grigioPrin Mur - Connect To Grow: high-speed rail and development of the urban areas of Naples and Bari

triangolo grigioPrin Mur - Equality of opportunity and social mobility: measures, drivers and impacts

triangolo grigioPrin Pnrr - Solid Waste Management in South Italy (SWAMSI)

triangolo grigioPrin Pnrr - The Equalizing effect of universal Music School PrOgrams (TEMPO)

triangolo grigioAccreditation and Recognition of Prior Learning within Higher Education Institutions - ARPEL4Entrep 

triangolo grigio Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in Economics of Globalisation and European Integration - EGEI

triangolo grigio Manduria Partecipa - Programma Puglia Partecipa L.R. n. 28/2017


triangolo grigio  Bando EU4EU per gli studenti 2018/2019

triangolo grigio Piano Nazionale Lauree Scientifiche

triangolo grigio Economia, istituzioni, etica e territorio. Casi di studio ed esperienze a confronto.

triangolo grigio Innovation and Development of academic-Industry Partnerships through Efficient Research Administration in Lebanon - IDEAL (TEMPUS IV)

triangolo grigio "Migro-village: dal ghetto all'integrazione" (FEI AP-2013)

triangolo grigio Multiple Higher Educational Institutions - Masters in Entrepreneurship – MHEI-ME

pubblicato il 08/03/2018 ultima modifica 18/09/2024

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