The astrovirus tale: from animals to humans, from the enteric tract to the central nervous system. Il caso degli astrovirus: dagli animali all’uomo, dall’intestino al sistema nervoso centrale.

Web seminar - 26 maggio 2020, ore 16.30 - 18.30

Astroviruses are important enteric pathogens of humans, frequently implicated in foodborne outbreaks of gastro-enteritis. Animal-like astroviruses have been identified in human patients with encephalitis. Likewise, astroviruses have been associated with encephalitis in several animal species

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    il 26/05/2020 dalle 16:30 alle 18:30 (Europe/Berlin / UTC200)

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    Piattaforma Microsoft Teams

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pubblicato il 22/05/2020 ultima modifica 22/05/2020

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