Presentazione del Corso
Il profilo professionale del laureato magistrale in Innovation DEvelopment in Agrifood Systems (IDEAS) che si intende formare è quello dell' Intermediario dell'Innovazione in ambito agroalimentare (AgriFood Innovation Broker).
Tale figura professionale è in grado di sviluppare e trasferire conoscenze dal mondo scientifico al mondo imprenditoriale per innovare il comparto agroalimentare rendendolo più efficiente nell'utilizzo dei fattori della produzione e nella valorizzare delle biomasse, nella prospettiva dell'economia circolare per una produzione e trasformazione sostenibile ed economicamente vantaggiosa. È quindi l'interfaccia privilegiata tra il settore agro-alimentare ed il mondo della ricerca e sviluppo, potendo svolgere anche funzioni di coordinamento in entrambi gli ambiti.
Il percorso formativo IDEAS si articola in attività didattiche relative ai seguenti ambiti:
- Tecniche innovative per la riduzione degli input nei sistemi agroalimentari.
- Tecniche innovative per la riduzione di sprechi, il riutilizzo e la valorizzazione delle biomasse
- Valorizzazione di impresa e competenze trasversali.
Il laureato in Innovation Development in Agrifood Systems sarà quindi in grado di:
- applicare agrotecniche innovative capaci di migliorare le produzioni e ridurre il consumo dei fattori della produzione;
- gestire i sistemi di supporto alle decisioni e la sensoristica necessaria per ottimizzare la gestione colturale e la protezione delle colture;
- valorizzare i genotipi autoctoni e derivanti dalle nuove strategie di plant breeding più adatti a sistemi colturali a basso input;
- applicare tecnologie innovative per ridurre le perdite di prodotto in postraccolta ed incrementare la shelf life;
- gestire l'uso e il riciclo delle biomasse al fine di produrre nuovi alimenti, ammendanti alternativi, biocombustibili e sostanze ad alto valore aggiunto;
- implementare nei sistemi agroalimentari i principi della bioeconomia, economia circolare, creazione di impresa e innovazione sociale;
- svolgere attività di formazione e divulgazione.
Requisiti di accesso
Admission to IDEAS Master Course requires a first cycle degree and for foreign students the degree or a qualification taken abroad must be recognized as equivalent by the Giunta of the Study Course Council on the basis of the documents provided by the applicants. If the Giunta is not available, recognition is done by a Commission established by the Study Course Council.
All the applicants should have acquired at least 24 CFU/ECTS among the following academic disciplines according to the Italian university research and teaching system:
- MAT/01 - MAT/09
- FIS/01 - FIS/03; FIS/06 - FIS/07;
- CHIM/01 - CHIM/12
- GEO/02 - GEO/07; GEO/11 - GEO/12
- BIO/01 - BIO/19
- AGR/01 – AGR/20
- ING-IND/09 – ING-IND/17; ING-IND/22 – ING-IND/27; ING-IND/29; e ING-IND/34 – ING-IND/35
- ING-INF/01 – ING-INF/07
- SECS-S/01 – SECS-S/06; SECS-P/05 – SECS-P/08; SECS-P10
The applicant lacking in the aforesaid fundamental skills and knowledge can acquire them by applying to specific courses offered by University of Bari, according to the recommendation of the Giunta of the Study Course Council or, if the Giunta is not available, by a Commission established by the Study Course Council. .
Enrollment in the IMS-IDEAS is subject to the positive outcome of the verification of the adequacy of personal preparation, verified by a specific Commission composed of Professors belonging to the Master Course appointed by DiSSPA Council. The applicant can directly enroll in the International Master of Science Course with a certified degree mark higher than 89/110 or equivalent. In other cases, the outcome will be defined through a multiple-choice questionnaire on basic knowledge on techniques for input and impact reduction in agrifood systems; techniques for waste reduction and biomass recycling; business development and soft skills. Eighteen positive answers out of thirty are sufficient for enrollment in the IMS-IDEAS.
English is the official language for IMS-IDEAS. Non-native English applicants and the applicants who do not possess a University degree deriving from a course delivered in English must possess the Level B2 certification of English knowledge (Council Europe Level) according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, or equivalent titles (i.e. Academic IELTS or TOEFL/iBT). For non-native Italian applicants the B2 level of Italian knowledge (QCER, i.e. CELI 3) is also required. Applicants lacking the aforementioned certification must perform a test on grammar and text comprehension (B2 level). A score of 11 (positive answer) out of 20-questions is sufficient.
The list of the admitted applicants will be available at the Segreteria Studenti.
Obiettivi formativi
Expected learning results, expressed through the European Descriptors of Study Title
Learning area of innovative techniques to reduce input and impact in the agri-food systems.
Knowledge and comprehension
The AgriFood Innovation Broker knows and understands:
- Technologies for the evaluation of the relationships among climatic changes, pollution and soil quality, and innovative techniques for soil remediation and/or limitation of pollutant migration by bioremediation, phytoremediation, physical-chemical stabilization, biobeds, buffer, strips, biofilters
- Methods for improving the productivity of agricultural crops, reducing the use of chemical fertilizers and products for plant protection by studying soil/plant/micro-organism interactions for pathogen and parasites control
- Advanced genetic techniques for plant breeding and innovative breeding assisted by molecular systems
- Advanced technologies for designing of new cultivars adapted to low cultivation inputs and with improved nutritional characteristics
- Valorization and characterization of autochthonous genetic resources
- Advanced techniques and methodologies for detecting pathogens relevant to new production scenarios
- Advanced techniques and methodologies for the management of emerging epidemics and pandemics of plants
- Innovative means and strategies to detect and manage phytophages, plant pathogens, microbial antagonists and biocontrol agents;
- Multitrophic relationships (plant-phytophages-pathogens-antagonists; volatile compounds generated by infested plants; etc.) in the control strategies of phytophages and plant pathogens
- Methods for monitoring the cultivation system, with particular regard to monitoring the state of the plants also including the health state, in order to verify in real time the efficiency of use of the production factors and the production potential of the system, also with the use of predictive models
- Adaptation and mitigation strategies for cultivation systems in semi-arid areas, in order to increase the efficiency of use of primary resources
- Introduction of species typical of arid, tropical and sub-tropical environments as an adaptation strategy to the climate changes taking place in the Mediterranean basin
- Methodologies for data analysis and for the characterization and management of spatial variability of soil and crop properties; traditional and innovative experimental designs that incorporate information related to spatial variability; identification of homogeneous areas in order to optimize the contribution of agronomic inputs and increase the efficiency of use of resources.
Ability to apply knowledge and understanding
The Agri-Food Innovation Broker has:
- Ability to apply innovative techniques for soil remediation and/or limitation of contaminant migration through bioremediation, phytoremediation, physico-chemical stabilization, biobeds, buffers, strips, biofilters
- Mastery of the issues connected to promote the productivity of agricultural crops and reduce use of chemical fertilizers and plant protection products through the study of soil/plant/microorganism interactions for the control of pathogens and parasites
- Knowledge for applying the basic information of advanced breeding techniques and their possible application to find the most suitable solutions based on the problem to be addressed;
- Knowledge for choosing and applying the most suitable genetic tools to explore plant biodiversity;
- Knowledge for applying innovative breeding strategies based on the use of molecular tools
- Knowledge for applying basic and advanced genetic knowledge in the design of new productive cultivars, adapted to low cultivation inputs and with high organoleptic characteristics
- Knowledge for valorizing plant biodiversity through targeted studies of the genetic bases of economically relevant agronomic traits
- Knowledge for identifying and proposing the most suitable techniques and methodologies to evaluate the risk of presence of pathogens with respect to new production scenarios
- Knowledge for proposing the most suitable techniques and methodologies to manage epidemics and pandemics of plants
- Ability to choose and apply innovative techniques suitable for to make cultivation systems more efficient and with reduced use of inputs per production unit, depending on the dynamism of the pedoclimatic conditions (reduced rainfall, presence of mild winters, heat waves, impoverishment of soils etc.)
- Ability to choose of different crop monitoring techniques based on the cultivation system and the management dynamics of the farm; ability to interpret data deriving from monitoring activities in order to better manage cultivation techniques and increase the efficiency of resource use
- Ability to evaluate and manage alternative crops coming from arid tropical and subtropical climates with low impact agronomic techniques ;
- Ability to adopt innovative experimental designs that take into account the spatial variability of soil and crops
- Ability to apply advanced data analysis techniques and use the resulting information to optimize agronomic management and water and nutritional resources, and for the conservation of soil fertility and quality
- Knowledge for implementing the sensors for the monitoring and automation of agronomic techniques
The expected learning outcomes are achieved through attendance of theoretical classes integrated with seminar activities, practical classes in the laboratory and/or company practices, discussion of case studies, use of the problem solving approach, corroborated by individual study and possible tutoring activity.
Knowledge and ability are achieved and verified in the training activities belonging to the following scientific-disciplinary sectors:
AGR/02 Agronomy and Crop Science
AGR/03 Arboricolture and fruiticulture
AGR/04 Horticolture and floriculture
AGR/07 Agricultural Genetics
AGR/11 General and applied entomology
AGR/12 Plant Pathology
AGR/13 Agricultural Chemistry
AGR/16 Agricultural Microbiology
Learning area of innovative techniques for waste reduction and reutilization/valorization of biomasses
Knowledge and comprehension
The Agri-Food Innovation Broker knows and understand:
- Flows of residual biomass from the different production cycles in agriculture, agri-food industries and organic fraction of solid urban residues
- Advances of biomass treatment processes for energy production. Biorefineries for the production of biogas, biomethane, syngas, bioethanol, biodiesel
- Innovative technologies for the production of soil improvers: compost, vermicompost, compost tea, digestates, biochar, hydrochar
- Biorefineries for the production of biomolecules of interest for the agri-food industry, bioplastics, extraction of biostimulants and bioactive molecules
- Innovative breeding and assisted selection techniques
- Mitigation of the production of greenhouse gases and pollutants during the biomass transformation phases
- Methodological approaches and basic techniques to be applied in the development strategies of new processes and/or new products based on the activity of microorganisms, with emphasis on those of useful for economic and environmental sustainability
- Methodological approaches to identify and manage alternative food sources
- Management of cropping systems for energy production and for bio-based sectors
- Engineering techniques for the monitoring and automation of agronomic techniques and the valorisation of innovative materials and biomaterials for use in agriculture
- Methodological approaches for the evaluation of the fruit ripening process to reduce waste connected to defects of ripening or inappropriate choice of the consumption channel
- Natural, abiotic and biotic factors connected to the decay of post-harvest products, packaging materials and packaging technologies suitable for slowing down the degradation processes to increase the shelf-life of the products
- Management of industrial waste obtained along the food processing phases, macro- and micro-nutrient composition and technological solutions to allow their reuse in the food chain.
Ability to apply knowledge and understanding
The Agri-Food Innovation Broker has:
- Ability to manage technologies for the use and recycling of biomass with a view to a circular economy in order to produce new foods, alternative soil improvers, biofuels and value-added substances
- Ability to identify the methodological approaches and basic techniques to develop suitable strategies for new processes and/or new products based on microorganisms activity, with particular reference to economic and environmental sustainability
- Ability to identify methodological approaches to manage alternative food sources
- Ability to manage cropping systems for energy production and for bio-based sectors
- Ability to identify the correct innovative breeding approach to be applied it in the different contexts
- Ability to evaluate the dynamics of fruit ripening in order to position the harvested product in a sustainable way from an economic and ecological point of view (reduction of waste caused by the presence of product ripening defects)
- Ability to apply innovative strategies of packaging to slow down the deterioration of the quality of the post-harvest vegetable products
- Ability to valorize waste and by-products to allow their reuse in the food chain
- Ability to choose protective preparations and biomaterials to increase the efficiency of use of resources and the quality of produce.
The expected learning outcomes are achieved through attendance of theoretical classes integrated with seminar activities, practical classes in the laboratory and/or agri-food companies, discussion of case studies, use of the problem-solving approach, corroborated by individual study and possible tutoring activity.
Knowledge and skills are achieved and verified in training activities belonging to the following Scientific-Disciplinary Sectors:
AGR/02 Agronomy and Crop Science
AGR/03 Arboricolture and fruiticulture
AGR/09 Agricultural Engineering
AGR/10 Rural Buildings and Agro-forest Land Planning
AGR/11 General and applied entomology
AGR/12 Plant Pathology
AGR/13 Agricultural Chemistry
AGR/15 Food Science and Technology
AGR/16 Agricultural Microbiology
ING-IND/22 - Material Science and Technology
Learning area of educational activities for valorization of enterprise and soft skills
Knowledge and comprehension
The Agri-Food Innovation Broker knows and understand:
- basic principles of bioeconomy, consequences of economic development on the environment, economic strategies to reduce waste, economic practices for the efficient use of resources and to reduce waste;
- criteria for the assessment of the environmental impact of both the agri-food process and production facilities also with a view to reducing energy consumption
- tools for the economic management of innovation, business strategies, economy and technology for international trade, marketing, investment management techniques and public and private financing
The expected learning outcomes are achieved through attendance of theoretical classes integrated with seminar activities, practical classes in the laboratory and/or agri-food companies, discussion of case studies, use of the problem-solving approach, corroborated by individual study and possible tutoring activity.
Ability to apply knowledge and understanding
The Agri-Food Innovation Broker is able to:
- apply the principles of bioeconomy, predict the impact of economic development on environment, identify economic strategies to reduce waste, implement economic practices for the efficient use of natural resources currently in use or potentially in use
- evaluate the environmental impact of both the agri-food process and the production structures also with a view to reducing energy consumption
- apply the tools for the economic management of innovation, and also innovative business strategies
- judge how to manage the economic operations and techniques of international trade, marketing, investment management and public and private financing.
Knowledge and skills are achieved and verified in training activities belonging to the following Scientific-Disciplinary Sectors:
AGR/01 - Rural Economics and appraisal
SEPS/10 - Sociology of environment and territory
SECS-P/08 - Economics and Business Management
CHIM/12 - Chemistry of the environment and cultural heritage
Making judgements
The master's graduate in Innovation Development in Agri-Food Systems possesses awareness and autonomy of judgment that allow: a) to analyze, understand and evaluate current and future production scenarios, in a context of reduction in the availability and quality of resources, climate change and fast technological evolution in the agri-food and agro-industrial sector; b) to transfer innovative technologies and practices for reducing production inputs, maximizing the efficiency of use of resources, valorizing wastes and producing foods from alternative sources.
The acquisition of independent judgment is verified by evaluating the career of the student in the context of his study plan and the level of autonomy and ability to work in a group during the assigned activity in preparation for the final test.
Communication skills
The master's graduate in Innovation Development in Agri-Food Systems develops personal aptitudes for communication and for working in multidisciplinary groups, along with judgment skills both on a technical and economic level and on a human and ethical level (development of social skills); he is able to use the English language in written and oral form, since the course is fully delivered in English.
The acquisition of communication skills, both in written and oral form, is verified through ongoing tests and the evaluation of the written paper relating to the final test, presented orally to the commission, as well as in group exercise activities and seminars.
Learning skills
The master's graduate in Innovation Development in Agri-Food Systems possesses the cognitive tools, the logical elements and the familiarity with the tools that guarantee continuous updating of knowledge in the specific professional sector and in the field of scientific research. Learning ability is verified through analysis of the individual student's career in relation to exam scores and through evaluation of self-learning skills gained during the performance of the activity relating to the final test.
Skills associated with the function
The Agri-Food Innovation Broker is able to carry out functions in the following working contexts:
- management, use and recycling of biomass in order to produce new foods, alternative soil improvers, biofuels and value-added substances
- innovative technologies to reduce post-harvest product losses and increase shelf life
- innovative low-impact techniques in agriculture
- decision support systems and innovative technologies for crop management and plant protection
- new breeding and valorization strategies of native genotypes suitable for low cultivation input systems
- strategies for reducing the environmental impact of agri-food production
- bioeconomy, circular economy, business creation and social innovation
- training and dissemination activities.
Risultati di apprendimento attesi
The master's graduate in Innovation Development in Agri-Food Systems is a professional in agri-food innovation (Agri-Food Innovation Broker); in particular, he deals with optimization of planning, management and economic-environmental efficiency of production processes in the agri-food sector. He aims to make the use of primary resources more efficient, reduce the environmental impacts and valorize production wastes and by-products with a view to a circular economy leading to a sustainable and economically advantageous food production and perocessing. Therefore, he is the privileged interface between the agri-food sector and the world of research and development, being able to also act as a coordinator in both areas.
- Freelance job
- Companies working in biomass recycling
- Smart-companies working with Decision support systems (DSS) and sensors
- Bio-pharmaceutical companies
- Biorefineries and green chemistry industries
- Agriculture consortium
- Large retailers
- Seed and Nursery Companies
- Public and private research
- Public administration