The Master Degree course in Computer Science provides vast, in-depth, theoretical, experimental and applicative competencies in the fundamental areas of Computer Science. A Master degree graduate will be able to evaluate and choose the most suitable computer science technology for the planning, design, work trends, assessment, testing and management of both new and existing complex systems and domains. This aim is pursued by widening and deepening theoretical, methodological, systems theory and technological knowledge, in all the subjects that comprise the fundamental cultural elements of computer science. The Master Degree has two curricula: Artificial Intelligence and Security Engineering. The two curricula have specific educational objectives, but also ensure a strong cultural core basis. The professional aims of the curriculum named Artificial Intelligence are: to foster a solid training in topics of particular importance, with regard both to the design and development of systems that simulate cognitive skills and abilities typical of the human being, such as recognition, learning, understanding and reasoning, and to the programming of expert computer systems, called 'intelligent' and robots, referring to the model-driven paradigm and the data-driven paradigm. The professional aims of the curriculum named Security Engineering consist in a deep training on topics such as applicative security, i.e., security in the design and development of software systems; verification and securing of legacy software systems; design of secure interfaces and access systems and evaluation of the security of interaction; secure integration with sensors and secure management of IT projects. Graduates of both profiles can be employed in various fields, such as medicine and health care, industry, citizen services, finance, military, public administration, etc. The knowledge of English language at least at B2 level is required for the admission,, being the course provided in English.
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Tipo di Corso

Laurea Magistrale

icona dipartimento di afferenza
Dipartimento di Afferenza
icona lingua corso


icona tipo di accesso
Tipo di Accesso


icona sede didattica corso
Sede didattica


icona segreteria studenti corso
Segreteria Studenti
icona classe di corso
Classe di laurea


icona coordinatore corso
icona segreteria didattica corso
Segreteria Didattica

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