PhD Animal Health and Zoonosis


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The concept of "One Health", as suggested by the most important International Health organizations, is confirmed by numerous cases of health emergencies for which it is necessary to consider the interaction between man and animals in risk management. Many pathogenic organisms, dangerous for man are of animal origin, i.e they are zoonotic. In this scenario, Vets play a primary role in health management. On the basis of these considerations, the Research Doctorate course in "Sanità animale e Zoonosi – Animal Health and Zoonosis" aims to train highly skilled students able to interact at all levels of the health system with competence and expertise.
These aims are achieved by:

  1. A postgraduate course based on broad and interdisciplinary knowledge, as well as, expertise in the fields of research and innovation.
  2. Internationalization, by inviting eminent foreign lecturers to hold courses and seminars and promoting study periods abroad.
  3. A multi- and inter-disciplinary platform guaranteed by the merging and integration of strategic fields of veterinary medicine (infectious diseases, parasitic diseases, ethology and phisiology, food safety and clinical medicine) and of medical education (occupational medicine).
Job opportunities

The Doctorate course in Animal Health and Zoonosis promotes the training of highly qualified experts, with in-depth knowledge of human and animal health. Past PhDs have had the opportunity to hold post-doc positions in the USA and Europe, sign working contracts and be granted fellowships by Istituti Zooprofilattici, Regional and National Health Organizations, Research bodies and Universities, both Italian and foreign. Moreover, they have had the opportunity to work in private pharmaceutical, animal production and safety management companies.

Teaching Committee of the Research Doctorate in Animal Health and Zoonosis

The teaching committee is composed of Professors and Researchers of the University of Bari, all fulfilling the criteria for the accreditation of the Doctorate course as requested by ANVUR and MIUR (Italian Ministry of Education). They guarantee a high standard of teaching and scientific research. All members of the teaching committee have ongoing national and international collaborations with important research bodies thus attracting graduate and postgraduate students as well as researchers of various nationalities, offering an international climate.

Teaching Activities

The teaching activities involve on-the-job training by lectures and technical staff members for the implementation of research projects and of clinical and laboratory practice. A tutor is assigned at the beginning of each course. There is also the possibility of spending a study/training period abroad, for a maximum of 18 months, for the preparation of the thesis.  Complementary teaching activities aimed at improving language and information technology skills as well as knowledge management are foreseen. Seminars are held weekly or fortnightly.

Complementary teaching activities
Linguistics The course includes teaching and seminars in English with foreign teachers / researchers. Periodic review or minireview readings are conducted in English with weekly journal club cycles. Writing of scientific papers and lectures on the "Writing on Sciences" are planned.
Information Technology The course includes the use of Office package (World, Excel), as well as the creation and management of databases and data mining with software such as Access or Bionumerics. The use of Geneious or DNASTAR software is also foreseen for the analysis of sequence data, primer and probes design for molecular tests, phylogenetic / evolutionary analysis applied to the study of pathogens. Introductive courses to bioinformatics and statistics in veterinary sciences are planned every year.
Management of research, research systems and funding systems The course includes the introduction of students to the writing and presentation of projects and applications for national and European calls. Students are also empowered by assigning to each one a research field of the many current research projects of the Department of Veterinary Medicine.  
Valorisation of research results and intellectual property

Seminars are planned with external teachers to illustrate the tools available for the protection of IP. 

Specific teaching activities
40 ECTs distributed in 20 courses The courses cover the basic disciplines of Microbiology, Bacteriology, Virology, Parasitology and Mycology. Furthermore, educational activities on Clinical and Laboratory Diagnostics, Ethology, Physiology, Hygiene and Food Inspection are foreseen.
Seminar teaching activities
Seminars held by national and international experts

Seminars held by internal and external lecturers  on issues related to the aims of the Doctorate.

pubblicato il 30/05/2018 ultima modifica 28/11/2023

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