Some useful hints for International PhD students at UNIBA
In Your country
- Request from the PhD Office at the Ateneo a preliminary enrolment certificate.
When in Italy
1st Step: RESIDENCE PERMIT – (Apply within 8 working days of arriving in Italy at “Sportello Amico” – Ufficio Postale)
To apply for the residence permit you will need:
- Copy of your passport (blank pages not included);
- Copy of your preliminary enrolment certificate, requested from the PhD Office at the Ateneo;
- Copy of your health/accident insurance (if you have already taken out a health insurance in your home country and this is valid also in Italy, please make sure that the Italian Consulate or Embassy has stamped the insurance policy to certify such a validity). Failing to submit the stamped insurance policy will result in the refusal of your residence permit application. If you have not taken out a health insurance yet, you can benefit from a public health insurance by registering on the Italian National Health Service (SSN) (See below: Attachment 1);
- Copy of the fiscal code (Agenzia delle Entrate: Via Amendola n 201/7, Bari);
- A stamp duty, for the value of €16,00 (marca da bollo);
- The envelope containing the application form and the Permesso di Soggiorno Elettronico (PSE) payment slip for the amount of €70,46 (please, do not seal the envelop, but leave it open);
- The postage fees amount to €30,00.
The post officer will:
- verify your identity (passport);
- ask you to sign the first page of the form (please, note that form can be signed ONLY in front of the post officer);
- schedule your appointment with the Immigration Office of the Questura (Via G. Palatucci n 4, Bari; nearby the Castel of Bari);
- give you the receipt attesting that your residence permit application has been duly submitted.
Please, remember to keep the receipt with you always, as evidence that you have duly requested your residence permit.
Total cost: 70,46€+30€+16€= 116,46€
The Residence permit is renewed yearly, at least 90 days before the expiry date.
2nd Step: Miccolis Bus ticket for the Department of Veterinary Medicine to be requested at ADISU – Via Giustino Fortunato n 4/g, Bari
- Copy of your passport;
- 2 photos;
- Certificate of attendance of the PhD course.
3rd Step: ATENEO (U.O. Dottorato di ricerca, second floor, Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro, Piazza Umberto I, n 1, Bari)
You have to hand in:
- Copy of your passport;
- Copy of the fiscal code;
- 2 photos;
- A stamp duty, for the value of €16,00;
- All the original documents (birth certificate, the certificate of nationality, the certificate of enjoyment of the civil and political rights in the home State and the equivalent certificate of criminal records issued by the home State);
- Academic titles legally translated and with the DOV issued by the Italian Embassy/Consolate in your home country;
- All attachments duly signed as foreseen by the Call:
- Receipts for the Regional fee (the amount of €160 must be paid at the post office, following these instructions: c/c n.860700, “intestato a”: A.D.I.S.U., Regione Puglia, Università di Bari, Via G. Fortunato, 4/G – 70125 Bari, “causale”: Tassa Regionale);
All the original documents, issued by the home State and officially translated in italian, have to be legalised by Italian Consulates.
You also have to ask for the certificate of registration to the first year of phD course in “Animal Health and Zoonoses” XXXIV cycle (It takes around a couple of months). You will bring this document to the Immigration Office of the Questura.
You can use this website URL:, in order to find one of the branches of UBI Banca ( present in Bari.
Go to the bank and ask for Carta Enjoy UniBa.
5th Step: INPS (Lungomare Nazario Sauro n 41, Bari)
The National Institute of Social Security (INPS) is one of the largest and most complex European social security institutions. The INPS manages almost the entire Italian social security, ensuring the majority of self-employed workers and employees in the public and private sectors.
Go to and click on “Entra in MyINPS”. Click on “Richiedi e gestisci il tuo PIN” and put your data in order to receive your PIN number. Then you can create your personal account.
Otherwise, you can call the Contact center (phone number: 803 164) or go to the headquarters INPS in Bari.
Italy has a national health system called Servizio Sanitario Nazionale (SSN), divided in local branches called Aziende Unità Sanitarie Locali (AUSL). Every person registered with the SSN is entitled to choose a general practitioner, also called family doctor. Each practitioner has an outpatient department where he guarantees free general medical examinations at fixed hours. You can also refer to the family doctor for prescription of medicines and specialist or diagnostic examinations. For some specialist consultants you will need to pay a fee to cover part of the cost of the service, called “ticket”.
Registration with the National Health Service (SSN):
For those applying for a residence permit for Study, the registration costs about 150 € per year. The registration has a duration of only one solar year (i.e. from 1/01/19 to 31/12/19) and it is not possible to pay reduced fees for shorter periods. Make a copy of the payment receipt and attach it to your application for the residence permit. After finalising your application for the residence permit, go to an AUSL office which offers the service CUP-Anagrafe sanitaria where you will be able to choose a family doctor. Take with you: the receipt of the payment of 149,77 €, the receipt of the residence permit application and your passport, once verified all the necessary documents the CUP officer will activate your registration.