Educational offer

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All teaching activities, as detailed in the Syllabus, are divided in Specific teaching and Transversal teaching. The teaching activities provided in the PhD course in Animal Health and Zoonosis can be characterized as follows. However, the different categories can often be complementary and integrated:

1A. structured teaching, namely structured teaching  given , (in lecture rooms and laboratories), by both internal and external members of the teaching committee, approved annualy by the PhD Teaching Board ;

1B. non-structured teaching, assigned mainly to external lectures and organized as short courses or seminars and mainly in English;

1C. Specific individual teaching courses (1C), attendance of advanced courses in Italy or abroad, chosen in agreement with the student's tutor;

2.Transversal teaching, namely mandatory activities as foreseen by the  course statute, following the Ministerial provisions. 

1A. Specific structured teaching

The specific structured teaching offer is wide and freely available and covers the various areas of the PhD course. This teaching offer is assigned to internal and external teaching staff. It is available every year, allowing students to attend, at will, the various teaching modules at different times during the 3-year period.

This teaching offer is organized in lecture rooms and laboratories and is selected by the student in agreement with his/her tutor. Each didactic sector of the Course guarantees and educational offer, according to the requests and/or the needs established together with the Coordinator.

1B) Non structured teaching offer

Moreover, a wide range of seminars, defined as non-structured specific teaching are also offered by internal teaching members of the Board or external teaching members. These seminars are held in English. For these courses, seminars  and meetings, organized by the Department of Veterinary Medicine or by the University of Bari during  the academic year 2019, 25 ECTS were awarded.

1C. Specific individual teaching courses

The PhD students will be able to complete their specific educational activities by freely choosing, in agreement with their tutors, the courses available. Moreover, they will be able to complete their educational activities by attending scientific meetings/seminars/in tandem teaching/learning activities in agreement with their tutors and if necessary authorized by the Coordinator, even attending highly specialized courses either held in Italy or abroad.

2.Transversal teaching (integrated)

Various transversal teaching activities (language courses, lab. security, computer science, scientific writing and project proposal presentation skills) are foreseen both at the Department of Veterinary Medicine and at the University of Bari. In 2019 the University of Bari organized a seminar on communication and promotion of research for PhD students “Percorso formativo in Comunicazione e Promozione della Ricerca – percorso formativo per dottorandi”.  All information available by clicking here

The above course included activities/modules on the improvement of language and computer science skills and the promotion of research activities and Intellectual Property for a total of 12ECTS 

2.1 Language

The course includes teaching activities and seminars in English given by  foreign lecturers/researchers. In 2019, seminars held by highly qualified foreign lecturers, both European and non-European citizens awarded a total of 25 ECTS. Every year courses on scientific writing are organized. In 2019 the course “Writing a scientific paper”  was held (1 ECTS). A Journal Club or  Conversation module “English in research and scientific writing”(2 CFU) is given by a native English speaker lecturer. In 2019, a language laboratory “Laboratorio di inglese accademico” (2.5 ECTS) included in the programme “Percorso formativo in Comunicazione e Promozione della Ricerca – percorso formativo per dottorandi” was organized by the University of Bari.

As from the academic year 2018/2019 (XXXIV cycle), at least 20% of the total teaching activities will be held in English by Italian or foreign lectures. For the project Eccelenza awarded to the Dipartimento of Veterinary Medicine, as from the academic year 2018/19 four foreign PhD students, having different nationalities, have been admitted to attend the course. Thus, English has been adopted, together with Italian, as official languages for all teaching activities of the PhD course Animal Health and Zoonosis

2.2 Computer Science

The course foresees the use of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel) and also the development and management of databases and data mining like Access and Bionumerics. The use of software like  Geneious or DNASTAR for sequencing analysis, primer and probes design for molecular testing, phylogenetic/evolutionary analysis applied to the study of pathogens. Each year introductory courses in bioinformatics “Bioinformatics in veterinary sciences” (1 ECTS) and statistics “Statistics applied to infectious diseases of animals” (1,5 ECTS) will be organised.

In 2019 seminars on metagenetics and applied proteomics applied to pathogens of animal and zoonotic interest were organized for a total of 3 ECTS.

2.3 Research management, knowledge of research systems and research grant access

The course foresees an in-depth analysis of research management, research systems and grant access for research purposes. Moreover, students will be introduced to project proposal presentation skills for grant application calls. Students will be responsabile for research fields currently undertaken in the Department of Veterinary Medicine. In 2019, these subjects were implemented in the course   “Percorso formativo in Comunicazione e Promozione della Ricerca – percorso formativo per dottorandi” was organized by the University of Bari for a total of 12 ECTS.  

Promotion of research results and intellectual property rights

Seminars held by external lecturers illustrating all instruments to promote research results and intellectual property protection. 2019, these subjects were implemented in the course   “Percorso formativo in Comunicazione e Promozione della Ricerca – percorso formativo per dottorandi” was organized by the University of Bari for a total of 12 ECTS.   

pubblicato il 20/04/2020 ultima modifica 28/11/2023

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