Jean Monnet Lab: 2021/2022 (First edition: Academic year 2021/2022)
During the Jean Monnet Lab, students took part in four main activities:
(a) introductory seminars, during which the reception policies, the main field research methods and monitoring techniques were presented to students. Twelve hours in total were dedicated to preparatory activities.
(b) Focus groups with asylum seekers hosted in Reception Center C.A.R.A Bari-Palese, as well as with its staff and managing body. The focus group took place at the University of Bari on 1 June 2022, and the focus group with the reception center staff was conducted on 21st July 2022, during the field visit.
(c) Field visit to the Bari-Palese Asylum Seekers Reception Center (C.A.R.A.), one of the largest reception facilities in Italy. The field visit took place on 21st July 2022.
(d) Feedback-on-seminars where the data gathered during the research activities (focus groups and field visit) were collectively analyzed. Four hours in total were dedicated to the collective analysis of the research results.
(e) Data-analysis seminars, during which students had the opportunity to get familiar with the use of one of the commonest software for qualitative analysis of textual data. Twelve hours in total were dedicated to training on data analysis.
Upon Completion of the Jean Monnet Lab, all participating students will be granted 2 ECTS credits and the certificate attesting the acquired competences.
The main results of the research activities carried out during the Jean Monnet Lab 2021/2022 are summarized in the Jean Monnet Working Paper 1/2022.
2021/2022 Edition Schedule
The Jean Monnet Lab 2022 took place March through July, as follows:
Day Type of Activity Number of Hours
30-Mar Introduction to reception policies 2
06-Apr Introduction to reception policies 2
20-Apr Introduction to reception policies 2
27-Apr Methodological seminar 2
18-May Methodological seminar 2
25-May Methodological seminar 2
01-Jun Focus group 4
08-Jun Focus group feedback 2
15-Jun Academic writing seminar 2
22-Jun Academic writing seminar 2
11-Jul Methodological seminar 2
21-Jul Field visit 4
27-Jul Field visit feedback seminar 2
Course Coordinator
Giuseppe Campesi
Department of Political Sciences
University of Bari
Corso Italia 23
70123 Bari