Biodiversity, Agricolture, and Enviroment

Coordinator: Prof. Enrico de Lillo

Administrative office: Department of Soil, Plant and Food Sciences


1) Genetics and Plant Biotechnology (Scientific Subject Code: AGR/07);
2) Environmental Sciences (Scientific Subject Codes: BIO/03, BIO/04, BIO/05, BIO/07, CHIM/12 and ICAR/03);
3) Mediterranean Sustainable Agriculture (Scientific Subject Codes: AGR/01, AGR/02, AGR/03, AGR/04, AGR/05, AGR/17
and AGR/19);
4) Crop Protection (Scientific Subject Codes: AGR/11 and AGR/12)


  • Total number of positions with scholarship  n.23
  • Total number of positions without scholarship n.1

Duration: 3 years