


Mar 2019 - Dr. Linda Antonucci, former postdoc at the Department of Basic Medical  Sciences, Neuroscience and Sense Organs of the University of Bari Aldo Moro and currently postdoc at the Ludwig Maximilians Universität in Munich in the framework of PRONIA (a European consortium including the research group of Prof. Alessandro Bertolino), has been awarded the "Rising Star Showcase Presentation" by the Society of Biological Psychiatry. Dr. Antonucci, together with five other young scientists, has been selected among all young participants in the meeting from all over the world to present her work: "Classification of Schizophrenia Using Machine Learning with Multimodal Markers" in a special symposium within the Society of Biological Psychiatry Conference (May 16th 
through 18th 2019 in Chicago, Illinois). She employs machine learning to combine genetic, environmental, and neuropsychological data to improve schizophrenia diagnosis. We would like to express our greatest appreciation about this prestigious international award and wish Linda the long and bright scientific career she deserves.

Jan 2019 - Dr. Pasquale Di Carlo, Psychiatrist and Ph.D. student in Neuroscience in the group of Prof. Alessandro Bertolino, has recently won a Travel Award to attend the 2019 Congress of the Schizophrenia International  
Research Society in Orlando, Florida (USA). The prestigious award consists of waived registration fee and a travel allowance. He will present a poster on his work entitled “Gene Co-Expression Networks 
Reveal Pathways of Convergence of Schizophrenia Risk Genes and of Response to Treatment”. In this work, Dr. Di Carlo and coworkers show that individual genetic background associated with gene expression 
regulation in the brain predicts symptoms amelioration in patients, suggesting a novel path to precision medicine in psychiatry. Dr. Di Carlo is currently visiting the Lieber Institute for Brain Development to investigate the biological basis of schizophrenia with a team of world-renown scientists. We are delighted that our Pasquale received this well-deserved award and wish him the best for his scientific endeavor!

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pubblicato il 31/07/2020 ultima modifica 03/08/2020