Workshop Socio-Affective Technologies: an interdisciplinary approach

Workshop Socio-Affective Technologies: an interdisciplinary approach In Conjunction with IEEE SMC 2019 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Bari (Italy), October 6-9, 2019
  • Quando il 07/10/2019 dalle 16:00 alle 20:00 (Europe/Berlin / UTC200)
  • Dove The Nicolaus Hotel, Bari
  • Contatti
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In Conjunction with IEEE SMC 2019 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Bari (Italy), October 6-9, 2019


Within Human- Machine systems and interaction the present workshop aims at featuring state of the scientific research on socio-affective technologies by integrating both the computational and psychological approach in the understanding, recognizing and shaping affective processes in real and new social environment (social media, virtual realty) even in educational contexts. The two main focuses of the workshop will be on linguistic, visual and multimodal aspects of the mediated communication. The interdisciplinary approach of the workshop that will include psychologists, computer scientists, computational linguistics, will contribute to emphasize ways to strengthen interdisciplinary connections between the computational and human sciences of socio-affective dynamics.


Organizing commitee

Berardina De Carolis, University of Bari
Francesca D’Errico, University of Rome “RomaTre”
Veronica Rossano, University of Bari

Azioni sul documento

pubblicato il 30/09/2019 ultima modifica 05/10/2022
Hanno contribuito: claudia.damato