Applied physics

MedPhys.pngMedical Physics and Complex Systems

Our research activities focus on the quantitative analysis of environmental,  economic, and medical data (imaging, time series, genetic data, clinical  and demographic data) for the prediction and characterization of the behaviour of different types of complex systems through artificial intelligence techniques, graph theory, pattern recognition, remote sensing, and methods of data mining and Big Data management and analysis. Our research group is established in a dense network of national and international projects and collaborations involving various players in the health, educational and social-economic system.

Web Site:

Contact: Prof. Roberto Bellotti (

stramaglia_red_syn.pngStatistical Physics for Data Analysis

Inserted in a network of international collaborations, the group deals with new methods of modeling and data analysis using paradigms and computational techniques from Statistical Physics, aiming at the study of emerging properties of complex biological, social and financial systems. In particular, the class of algorithms on which attention has been focused is that related to studies of connectivity; in recent years the focus has shifted to the high-order properties of these systems.

Contact: Prof. Sebastiano Stramaglia (


Azioni sul documento

pubblicato il 12/07/2021 ultima modifica 27/02/2024
