Department of Emergency and Organ transplantation

Padiglione Asclepios - Policlinico di Bari

Padiglione Asclepios - Policlinico di Bari


Giuseppe GIUDICE

Tel. +39 080 5593332
Fax +39 080 5448636


Giuseppe GIUDICE

Tel. +39 080 5593332
Fax +39 080 5448636




+39 080 5478267

Square G. Cesare, 11 Policlinic
70124 BARI - Italy

The Department of Emergency and Organ Transplantations (D.E.T.O., Dipartimento dell’ Emergenza e dei Trapianti di Organi) of the University of Bari is located inside the University-Hospital of Bari. It consists of 19 Sections and its main purpose is the research applied to kidney, liver, heart and pancreas transplant.
The research activity is carried out in collaboration with other universities, pharmaceutical companies,  small and medium enterprises dealing  with applied biotechnologies (device, artificial organs, prostheses and tissues). Recently, an online static telepathology service has been activated. The D.E.T.O. has signed agreements and cultural exchange programs with European and North American Universities in order to conduct research programs financed by national and international private and public institutions. The research activity aims at improving education -to guarantee a high-quality training of students, residents, Ph.D. and postdoc students-, and the clinical activity with the use of diagnostic and therapeutic protocols. Each Section of the D.E.T.O. concentrates on the scientific, educational and clinical aspects of its own field of specialization. As a consequence of the intense clinical activity carried out at the D.E.T.O, particular attention is devoted to oncology research; therefore, some research programs use modern and avant-garde therapeutic approaches (immunotherapy and vaccines).
The teaching staff of the D.E.T.O. teaches at the School of Medicine and Surgery, Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology Sciences and at the relevant Residency and Ph.D. Programs. of the University of Bari.
The activity of the D.E.T.O. is also connected with the clinical activity of the Centre of Reference of the Apulia Region for Organ Transplantations – University Hospital of Bari- which operates in the local and non-local (Albania) territories to carry out the transplant program of the Apulia Region.

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pubblicato il 21/10/2014 ultima modifica 05/03/2018