Migrations, borders and human rights



Field of study

Programme of study 

Relazioni Internazionali e Studi Europei (RISE) –LM-52

Programme year 
First year

Course Notices

The course will start next 27 September and will take place according to the following class schedule:
- MONDAY 10.30-12.30 am. Room XVIII, N. Calipari
- TUESDAY 10.30-12.30 am. Room XVIII, N. Calipari

Students attending on-line can connect to the course Team on the Microsoft Teams platform by using the following code:


The course will be taught in English.

During the course, students’ active participation to the discussion and attitude to critically engage with the topics presented will be constantly assessed. Their ability to carry out small researches and present the relevant results in class will be also assessed during specifically dedicated ‘class discussion’ sessions.

All the readings are available on this web page.


Course Syllabus

The key needed to unlock PDFs can be obtained by contacting the teacher via email.

Topic 1: Defining migration
  • Bartram, D., Poros, M., and Monforte, P. (2014). Key Concepts in Migration. Sage, London, New York. Chapter 2. [scarica il PDF]
  • Koser, Khalid (2007), International Migration. A Very Short Introduction. Oxford University Press, Oxford, Chapter 2. [scarica il PDF]
  • Further readings list

Topic 2: Migration and social theory
  • Massey, Douglas S., Joaquim Arango, Graeme Hugo, Ali Koiaouci, Adela Pellegrino, and Edward Taylor (2005) Worlds in Motion. Understanding International Migration at the end of the Millennium. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Chapter 2. [scarica il PDF]
  • Castles, Stephen, Mark J. Miller and Hein de Haas (2013), The Age of Migration. International Population Movements in the Modern World, Palgrave McMillan, London. Chapter 2. [scarica il PDF]
  • Further readings list

Topic 3: Contemporary migrations: trends and perspectives
  • United Nations (2018), International Migration Report 2017. Highlights (New York: Department of Economic and Social Affairs). [scarica il PDF]
  • Further readings list

Topic 4: Contemporary global migration law and politics
  • Schindlmayr, Thomas (2003) “Sovereignty, Legal Regimes, and International Migration.” International Migration41(2): 109-23. [scarica il PDF]
  • Betts, A. and L. Kainz. 2017. The History of Global Migration Governance. Oxford: Oxford Refugee Studies Center Working Paper Series, No. 122. [scarica il PDF]
  • Further readings list

Topic 5: Borders and social theory
  • Rumford, Cris (2006) “Theorizing Borders.” European Journal of Social Theory 9(2): 155-69. [scarica il PDF]
  • Vaughan-Williams, Nick (2009) Border Politics. The Limits of Sovereign Power. Edimburgh: Edinburgh University Press. Chapter 2. [scarica il PDF]
  • Further readings list

Topic 6: Migration, borders and security
  • Huysmans, Jef (2000) “The European Union and the Securitization of Migration.”Journal of Common Market Studies38(5):751-77. [scarica il PDF]
  • Bigo, Didier (2002) “Security and Immigration: Toward a Critique of the Governmentality of Unease.” Alternatives: Global Local Political 27:63-92. [scarica il PDF]
  • Further readings list

Topic 7: Contemporary border control practices
  • Weber, Leanne, and Benjamin Bowling (2004) “Policing Migration: A Framework for Investigating the Regulation of Global Mobility.” Policing and Society14(3):195-212. [scarica il PDF]
  • Menjívar, Cecilia. 2014. “Immigration Law Beyond Borders: Externalizing and Internalizing Border Controls in an Era of Securitization.” Annual Review of Law and Social Science10(1):353-69. [scarica il PDF]
  • Further readings list

Topic 8: Border control and human rights
  • Carrera, Sergio, and Nicholas Hernanz. 2015. "Re-Framing Mobility and Identity Controls: The Next Generation of the EU Migration Management Toolkit." Journal of Borderlands Studies 30(1):69-84. [scarica il PDF]
  • Gammeltoft-Hansen, Thomas, and Hathaway, James C. (2014). “Non-refoulement in a World of Cooperative Deterrence.” Columbia Journal of Transnational Law, 53: 235-284. [scarica il PDF]
  • Further readings list

pubblicato il 27/09/2020 ultima modifica 06/09/2022

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