[#InnoCamp3, Zoom Event - April 4, 2022] – CCSs can contribute to the systems of social change with a significant non-monetary value to inclusive social development, to dialogue and understanding between people and organisations. This is the subject under the spotlights of the third and last round of “Social & Creative Innovation Camp”, the initiative taken by the Interreg MED "Social&Creative" project.

The Innovation Camp 03  - in virtual mode, on April 5 - will highlight how the highly active cultural and creative industry has a key role in sustainable development. CCIs are considered fundamental for achieving the objectives set by the UN 2030 Agenda, as they are capable of generating value because they are human centered: culture and creativity therefore contribute to inclusive social development, to dialogue and understanding between peoples. They are both a driver and an enabler of human and sustainable development, they empower people to take ownership of their own development and stimulates the innovation and creativity which can drive inclusive and sustainable growth.

Leading experts in the field and real change-makers will share their experiences of successful cases of CCIs and their key role in sustainable development, trying to understand how cultural and creative industries are contributing to the systems of social change with a significant non-monetary value to inclusive social development, to dialogue and understanding between people and organisations.

The Camp is open to practitioners, policymakers, field experts, stakeholders, civil servants, SMEs and start-ups, PanoraMED representatives, Social&Creative partners and associates, and S&C modular projects. Join the event using [this link].

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    il 05/04/2022 dalle 10:00 alle 13:00 (Europe/Berlin / UTC200)

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