Security, privacy and integrity of your critical data

  • Quando il 10/10/2018 dalle 14:30 alle 19:00 (Europe/Berlin / UTC200)
  • Dove Taranto
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  • Partecipanti Dr. Marco Ercolani
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Data security presents a complex challenge to organizations. The value of sensitive data, and particularly customer data, has increased exponentially over time, but with it comes an increase in potential liability and exposure. Traditionally, organizations have focused on “perimeter” defenses for protecting their critical information. But traditional tools, such as anti-virus software and firewalls, are not equipped for today’s advanced threats, which many times come from inside the organization. Good data security needs to provide a comprehensive approach to protecting an organization’s “crown jewels”- the critical data that is vital for business success and survival. A necessary first step is to identify the critical data and where it is stored. As you get started, it’s also important to assess the other vulnerabilities within your environment and across your data sources to determine where your additional weaknesses are and how to address them. Some examples include missing patches, wrong user privileges and default configurations, such as usernames and passwords. Once you understand the gaps and exposures, you can take immediate steps to address those gaps and harden the personal data sources. This might involve data minimization,
encryption and pseudonymization. The next step is to start monitoring data sources that contain personal data and take action if any suspicious behavior occurs. Monitoring also provides security of processing reports for authorized and unauthorized activities to personal data and enables security teams to detect and investigate data breaches.


Seminario organizzato nell'ambito del Progetto SI – Sicurezza Informatica,  AVVISO PUBBLICO N. 3/PAC/2017 Piano di Azione e Coesione approvato con Decisione C(2016)1417 del 03/03/2016 Azioni aggiuntive per il rafforzamento dei corsi di studio innovativi erogati dalle Università pugliesi – Regione Puglia, a Taranto, presso la sede distaccata del Dipartimento di Informatica.

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pubblicato il 08/10/2018 ultima modifica 05/10/2022
Hanno contribuito: claudia.damato