Incident Response for policy makers

  • Quando il 18/12/2018 dalle 09:00 alle 13:00 (Europe/Berlin / UTC100)
  • Dove Taranto
  • Contatti
  • Partecipanti Dr. Droz Georget Serge Patrice
  • Aggiungi l'evento al calendario iCal

Incident responders are the first persons on the scene if a security incident happens. In this seminar we will how incident
repsonse fits into internet governance and what is needed for it to be successfully.
In particular the follwoing points will be covered:
- Where does Incident Response fit into a national cyber security strategy?
- What are Computer Security Incident Response Teams (CSIRT) and how were they conceived?
- What are typical functions of Incident Response teams?
- How do CSIRT cooperate across international boundaries and across industries?
- How is trust developed between incident response teams?
- Where do you start at building a new Cyber Security Incident Response capability?

Seminari svolti nell’ambito del Progetto SI – Sicurezza Informatica,  AVVISO PUBBLICO N.
3/PAC/2017 Piano di Azione e Coesione approvato con Decisione C(2016)1417 del 03/03/2016 Azioni aggiuntive per il rafforzamento dei corsi di studio innovativi erogati dalle Università pugliesi – Regione Puglia, a Taranto, presso la sede distaccata del Dipartimento di Informatica.

Azioni sul documento

pubblicato il 17/12/2018 ultima modifica 05/10/2022
Hanno contribuito: claudia.damato