Quantum theory group
The research activity focuses on the outstanding developments that have changed the status of quantum mechanics in the last decades, in particular in the emerging fields of quantum information and quantum technologies. The group investigation covers a wide range of specific topics, including: General aspects of quantum dynamics of closed and open systems, quantum communication and cryptography, design of quantum simulators and implementation of quantum-inspired computational procedures, characterization of entanglement and its link with complexity, phenomenology and applications of waveguide QED, random matrix theory in quantum many body systems, quantum asymptotics and quantum chaos, quantum metrology, boundary conditions and topological effects, quantum control. The methodology involves analytical and numerical techniques from quantum field theory, statistical mechanics and quantum information theory. The Quantum Theory group has close collaborations with experts in quantum theory and experiment worldwide.
Web Site: https://www.quantumbari.com/
Prof. Saverio Pascazio (saverio.pascazio@uniba.it)
Prof. Paolo Facchi (paolo.facchi@uniba.it)
Astrophysics and cosmology of weakly interacting slim particle
Our research activities are focused in Theoretical Astroparticle Physics, at the interface between particle physics, astrophysics and cosmology. The leading idea of my research is to use astrophysical sources and the entire Universe as cosmic laboratories to probe the fundamental properties of weakly interacting slim particles (WISPs) like neutrinos, axions and dark photons. Our research activities are in the framework of the European COST Action "COSMIC WISPers" or CA21106 (https://www.cost.eu/actions/CA21106/).
Contact: Prof. Alessandro Mirizzi (alessandro.mirizzi@uniba.it)
Precision studies of fundamental interactions
Our group is involved in the following research topics: A) Flavour Physics in the Standard Model and beyond, a number of tensions between the Standard Model predictions and the related experimental results have recently emerged. We look for suitable extensions of the Standard Model that can interpret such deviations. B) Hadron spectroscopy, several charm and beauty hadrons have been recently discovered, with features suggesting that they are not ordinary q-qbar mesons or qqq baryons. We adopt effective approaches to classify and properly interpret the newly observed states. C) Holographic quantum chromodynamics (QCD), Holographic duality relates strongly coupled theories to weakly coupled gravity models in a high dimensional space containing an Anti de Sitter component. We exploit this approach to gain insights on non perturbative QCD phenomena.
Contact: Prof. Fulvia De Fazio (fulvia.defazio@ba.infn.it)
Cosmology and Special and General Relativity
The research activity concerns topics relating to special relativity, general relativity and cosmology. In particular on the one-way speed of light, on the foundations of general relativity, and in cosmology of universe models that explain the presence/absence of dark energy, as well as the theoretical analysis of gravitational waves. Furthermore, a line of research concerns the study of the properties and physics of a Universe without a Big Bang.
Contact: Prof. Luigi Tedesco (luigi.tedesco@ba.infn.it)