Axions: what are they? Where are they? (online seminar)

25 Novembre 2021 - Aula A "G. Nardulli" ore 16:00


Prof. Maurizio Giannotti Professor at Barry University (USA) & Zaragoza University (Spain)

Introduction by Prof. Alessandro Mirizzi

Abstract: The research on axions has gained great attention in the last decade. We are finally reaching the experimental capabilities to detect axions in the most motivated parameter regions. In this talk, I will present an overview of the strong CP problem and of the axions solution. I will emphasize the phenomenological aspects and in particular try to justify the selection of physically motivated axion parameter regions. I will emphasize the impact of axions on stellar evolution and the experimental potential to detect them in the near future.

This talk will have a pedagogical level intended for Master and PhD students. Nevertheless, all interested researchers are invited.

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pubblicato il 17/11/2021 ultima modifica 17/11/2021